I cannot Access Linksys router
Whenever I try to connect to I am always redirect to my Zyxel box. I can sign into the Zyxel box fine but I want to access my WRT54g Linksys router. I really stuck atm.
None of them worked, it timed out or was unable to connect. Any other suggestions?
I think a key question is how is your network setup. So...
What function does the zyxel box provide? Fixed Internet access perhaps?
Assuming the above.. does the linksys provide a wifi hotspot function?
How are they wired together?
The linksys is connected to the zyxel box by the red wire. The gray wire is going to a desktop.
Thats what I thought but it doesn't load anything. I'm really confused -.-
The way you have things set up, your Linksys is not acting as a router. Unplug the Red cable and then access, it will be your Linksys.
Setup the Linksys with a different IP scheme than, use for instance.
Then, after that is done, plug the red cable into the single port (the one by itself) on the Linksys.
I see but im afaird of messing things up. I have a old linksys router ( dunno why ... my brother has set up this network ) is it possible for me to connect that to the current linksys box ? and use it as a router?
1) Unplug the red cable from the Linksys
2) Log into the Linksys which should now be reachable at (if it isn't, try refreshing your IP)
3) Change the Linksys network from 192.168.1.x to 192.168.2.x
4) Plug the red cable into the far left port of the Linksys (this is the WAN or Internet port of your router, the other 4 ports are your LAN ports, your internet connection should never have been plugged into your LAN ports as this essentially made your $60 Linksys router function the same as a $10 ethernet switch, no routing was actually being performed)
5) You might need to refresh your network connection on your computer again and/or reset the Linksys router for all the changes to pick up, but you will now actually be using the Linksys router as intended.
I should point out that most of these steps were probably covered in the Linksys "quick setup guide" which came packaged with the router. This is one of those cases where 10 minutes with the manual could have saved a lot of time down the line.
Or should I turn my router off and on then see if i can access it? I am sooo sorry for dragging this out!
Start menu, type "run" into the run bar (without the double quotes). Then when a little black command line window will open. Type "ipconfig /release" and press enter. It will say that your ip address has been released. Now type "ipconfig /renew" and press enter. It will think and do stuff for a little while and then you will have a new IP address assigned.
Try that
And believe me in Icrontic terms, this Is far from being dragged out. You are just being cautious and learning along the way.
" An error occurred while renewing interface Local Area Connection : unable to contact your DHCP Server. Request timed out. "
I am more confused then ever. What would cause this problem????
Tried that but I still couldnt get onto -.- Im locked out of a box thats right beside me !
Okay ill try that. What settings need to be changed when i access it?
Just change the ip to and plug red wire into the internet port... and thats all? Then I have interent :P?
I did this and logged into my linksys
I just want to thank you guys alot