IC Rock climbing?
I talked with a few people about this @ EXPO, but I wanted to throw it up here to see what the interest level is like.
Things to consider:
Possible location
Rock climbing sounds very fun and challenging - just to throw some initial ideas out, I was thinking maybe late summer/early fall.
Should this be a 1 or 2 day event? Anyone familiar with any campgrounds that have areas where climbing would be possible?
Lets brainstorm.
Things to consider:
Possible location
Rock climbing sounds very fun and challenging - just to throw some initial ideas out, I was thinking maybe late summer/early fall.
Should this be a 1 or 2 day event? Anyone familiar with any campgrounds that have areas where climbing would be possible?
Lets brainstorm.
Climbing Shoes
Belay Devices
Locking carabiners
All I know about it is what I've google'd on the subject (not a lot) - please clarify or add whatever I'm missing.
In terms of the difficulty level, I'd say that all depends on the experience level of the people attending. Personally I've never been rock climbing - and if we end up going this year I'd probably find a climbing gym near me to get some basic training unless we have someone with enough experience to train the crew before we give it an attempt.
I'd be glad to drive a ways (8+ hours) if the location was good for everyone else - it'd be fun to see some new areas anyway.
Personally, I've only been on a few outdoor climbs and wouldn't really qualify for all the above items without a good chunk of practice first.
This is probably a much better idea - lets do that.
Should make this an event for Summer Shindig.
Lol I understand that, I meant in relation to my work etc.