I'm In!! Flights have been booked. The evening flights on Thursday were $300, but only $65 to fly into Dayton, so I will be doing that and then riding up to Detroit with CB. I will be flying back to Orlando from Detroit on Monday afternoon. See you all there!! My costume is coming along nicely.
As you can see, Barrel-aged dark ales took the cake.
Sweet! And thanks again in advance for organizing all this, Ryan. This sounds wonderful.
Though, as a minor suggestion, you may want to consider pushing the times back a little bit to take into account dinner plans. 6:30-7:00 sounds a little early. If there's a "mass outing", say most of us go to restaurant xyz, just make the time 30 minutes after we return, or whatever.
Again, no biggie, I just don't want anyone feeling like they have to choose between this wonderful beer tasting experience and a chance to sample the local cuisine that night.
AnnesTripped Up by Libidos and HubrisAlexandria, VAIcrontian
edited October 2010
I say we do it BEFORE dinner. The last thing I want is to have too many drinks in me before I start tasting some of Ryan's best brews.
And no, I don't have any self control. Like you haven't noticed.
Supposing everyone who's "in" is going to be in a drinking mood at 4/4:30-ish, we could definitely do it before dinner.
I would prefer drinking after dinner. I've always been an "alcohol after food" type of guy. I prefer food already in the stomach, and the booze to come afterwards. Since I'm not starving, and yearning for something more solid, it lets me savor the beverage more.
Ultimately I'm flexible, I WILL enjoy it before dinner if that's what the vote swings, but my preferences are as such.
I'm fine with before dinner as long as we have lots of snacks on hand. Lord knows I'm a light weight. I don't want to pull an Eggroll in the bathroom at the dinner location.
I'm fine with before dinner as long as we have lots of snacks on hand. Lord knows I'm a light weight. I don't want to pull an Eggroll in the bathroom at the dinner location.
and then the next day at the breakfast location... but that was more on the bathroom than in it. poor eggy
I'm fine with before dinner as long as we have lots of snacks on hand. Lord knows I'm a light weight. I don't want to pull an Eggroll in the bathroom at the dinner location.
6 beers * 2.2 oz = 13.2 oz = approx. 1 bottle of beer.
We're not pounding them here.
But, we could get some fine sharp cheeses and dark chocolate to pair. Go for a whole Finer Things Club. Everyone needs to dress sharp (no dress/skirts below the knee.)
6 beers * 2.2 oz = 13.2 oz = approx. 1 bottle of beer.
We're not pounding them here.
But, we could get some fine sharp cheeses and dark chocolate to pair. Go for a whole Finer Things Club. Everyone needs to dress sharp (no dress/skirts below the knee.)
You have met me, right? My name is Jacqueline "Lightweight" DiOrio
6 beers * 2.2 oz = 13.2 oz = approx. 1 bottle of beer.
Not quite; that 13.2 oz number is a bit deceptive by itself. I actually ended up acquiring a 7th that rounds out the selection nicely, to make up for a slight reduction in pours since we're seating 11 instead of the 10 I'd estimated. The samples will vary between 2 ounces and 2.3 ounces, for a total of 15.3 ounces of beer. The average ABV (weighted by portion) is 10.57%.
Drinking all the beer will be like drinking 32 ounces of Budweiser, 27 ounces of Oberon, or 17 ounces of Sam Adams Imperial Stout.
In other words, you may not want to drink all of the beer if you're a lightweight. Sipping is going to be the order of the day, especially during the part of the tasting where you're trying to gather impression of taste, palate, and aroma.
I would highly endorse the food ideas. Good pairings: Rich cheeses, chocolate, crackers, and even vanilla ice cream if you want something to clean your palate of the ale.
I'll leave it up to you guys to bring whatever you like or coordinate on some stuff. You may want to talk amongst yourselves so we don't end up with 50 lbs of cheese.
That's only partially true. After every Icrontic event, there are always a few boxes of leftovers (restaurant food) in the fridge.
Most of them say "GQ" on them
If you listen to the ICHQ refrigerators very closely, you can hear the faint echo of plaintive whines that bear an uncanny resemblance to "NO, I'LL REALLY EAT THE LEFTOVERS. NO, I ALWAYS DO."
Sweet! And thanks again in advance for organizing all this, Ryan. This sounds wonderful.
Though, as a minor suggestion, you may want to consider pushing the times back a little bit to take into account dinner plans. 6:30-7:00 sounds a little early. If there's a "mass outing", say most of us go to restaurant xyz, just make the time 30 minutes after we return, or whatever.
Again, no biggie, I just don't want anyone feeling like they have to choose between this wonderful beer tasting experience and a chance to sample the local cuisine that night.
And no, I don't have any self control. Like you haven't noticed.
I would prefer drinking after dinner. I've always been an "alcohol after food" type of guy. I prefer food already in the stomach, and the booze to come afterwards. Since I'm not starving, and yearning for something more solid, it lets me savor the beverage more.
Ultimately I'm flexible, I WILL enjoy it before dinner if that's what the vote swings, but my preferences are as such.
Also would rather drink before dinner. I prefer to drink on an empty stomach.
Have a blast for me!
and then the next day at the breakfast location... but that was more on the bathroom than in it.
6 beers * 2.2 oz = 13.2 oz = approx. 1 bottle of beer.
We're not pounding them here.
But, we could get some fine sharp cheeses and dark chocolate to pair. Go for a whole Finer Things Club. Everyone needs to dress sharp (no dress/skirts below the knee.)
edit: no shop
Yeah would be fun to make a trip of it, or everyone just bring something to surprise the group with.
You have met me, right? My name is Jacqueline "Lightweight" DiOrio
But I'm not actually really worried.
Man up.
Finnnne. If I must confess, my middle name is actually "Drunky McDrunkerson."
Dual middle names is all the rage these days.
Not quite; that 13.2 oz number is a bit deceptive by itself. I actually ended up acquiring a 7th that rounds out the selection nicely, to make up for a slight reduction in pours since we're seating 11 instead of the 10 I'd estimated. The samples will vary between 2 ounces and 2.3 ounces, for a total of 15.3 ounces of beer. The average ABV (weighted by portion) is 10.57%.
Drinking all the beer will be like drinking 32 ounces of Budweiser, 27 ounces of Oberon, or 17 ounces of Sam Adams Imperial Stout.
In other words, you may not want to drink all of the beer if you're a lightweight. Sipping is going to be the order of the day, especially during the part of the tasting where you're trying to gather impression of taste, palate, and aroma.
I would highly endorse the food ideas. Good pairings: Rich cheeses, chocolate, crackers, and even vanilla ice cream if you want something to clean your palate of the ale.
I'll leave it up to you guys to bring whatever you like or coordinate on some stuff. You may want to talk amongst yourselves so we don't end up with 50 lbs of cheese.
Most of them say "GQ" on them
If you listen to the ICHQ refrigerators very closely, you can hear the faint echo of plaintive whines that bear an uncanny resemblance to "NO, I'LL REALLY EAT THE LEFTOVERS. NO, I ALWAYS DO."