All of a sudden, new posts in the Minecraft forum are not showing up when I use the "New Posts" link. Was there a change that makes this the expected behavior? If not, is everyone else seeing the same thing or is it just me?
All of a sudden, new posts in the Minecraft forum are not showing up when I use the "New Posts" link. Was there a change that makes this the expected behavior? If not, is everyone else seeing the same thing or is it just me?
FWIW, I just clicked new posts: saw this thread and a bunch of Minecraft threads.
Oh come on. The WoW threads, the D&D threads, the entire Travian forum; all those are excluded from new posts because they were a select subset of the membership.
Point of clarification: I was just trollin' with my whutadick comment, I don't actually mind I just wish someone would have let us know about the change instead of just up and making it. Perhaps there should be a sticky and locked thread for site changes like this? Just a suggestion.
I don't actually mind I just wish someone would have let us know about the change instead of just up and making it.
If I hadn't noticed this thread, I would just have thought that no one ever talked about Minecraft again because I normally only browse the forum via the New Posts button.
I never played any of those other games so I didn't know that the had also been excluded. It does make a certain sense, but other games that had lots of threads, like TF2 never got excluded...
FWIW, I just clicked new posts: saw this thread and a bunch of Minecraft threads.
The fact that you get Minecraft threads in your New Posts list and I don't is strange though =/
New posts does have one extra "exclude" (the numbers at the end of the link) so it must exclude the gaming forum?
But blame me if you want, sure.
If I hadn't noticed this thread, I would just have thought that no one ever talked about Minecraft again because I normally only browse the forum via the New Posts button.
I never played any of those other games so I didn't know that the had also been excluded. It does make a certain sense, but other games that had lots of threads, like TF2 never got excluded...
I blamed you because Linc phrased his explanation like it was a personal request for your convenience, rather than a normal part of forum management.