I can never tell how much I find xtranormal made vids funny, but this one does amuse. If you get the downloadable version, you have much more freedom to cause mayhem, but then you need to buy any content beyond the base set, which is fair.
Also, I agree with Bobby. Also also, the Icrontic Virtual All-star Thumb Drive Band should do a cover of this. One person records the beat, using whatever (pans, spoons, fake drums, real drums), roughly matching the base tune, then passes it onto someone else who adds another layer until its a song.
Mmm. Peanut butter and pubic hair sandwiches. The lunch of champions.
Also, this is why I
you didn't hear it from me.
Jam or gtfo
Oh. Yeah. This.
As any rational person should.
@ Fatcat, Strawberry is also awesome, Apple Butter however is only decent.
I've got some waiting for me at home. Brand new... jar.
Also, I agree with Bobby. Also also, the Icrontic Virtual All-star Thumb Drive Band should do a cover of this. One person records the beat, using whatever (pans, spoons, fake drums, real drums), roughly matching the base tune, then passes it onto someone else who adds another layer until its a song.