Started off with 3 pugs. I was a bit late but came in after Magmaw was taken down. Grats to DE on Parasitic Bands and Molniya on the dagger Incineratus.
ODS Wasn't much trouble. Grats to Mirste on Jumbotron Power Belt and some more leather crap to DE.
4 attempts to see the last phase of Chimaeron and we got it that attempt. A great job on a new boss and grats to Worgenit on the Brackish Gloves and more DE leather.
2 new boses in BD down is awesome. We made 2 new friends, a solid dk tank and a healer (cannot recall the names but I'll update when I am at home) that did great.
Read up on Atramedes and Nefarian for next week as we might get a shot at him. Lets try to make the first four bosses a 1 or two shot so we can have a good amount of time on the two harder fights. BoT and conclave are open to pug.
DK tank - his name was bladebarrier. The disc priest was named brangelina. Grandadmiral the warlock was also fantastic (but with lag problems) and Rayynne the holy priest was excellent. Good pugs.
Also, was this an official raid? I thought it was just mah pugz.
Attendance was taken at the beginning of the night and all people that said they would be late but showed up were given credit. After getting cred for showing up no one had any obligations beyond that.
/////Edit///// Don't Pug Conclave this week. Al'Akir is an awesome fight and we might go for him on sunday. We'll do a vote on raid night. So read on Al'akir, Atramedes, and Nef.
Started off with 3 pugs. I was a bit late but came in after Magmaw was taken down. Grats to DE on Parasitic Bands and Molniya on the dagger Incineratus.
ODS Wasn't much trouble. Grats to Mirste on Jumbotron Power Belt and some more leather crap to DE.
4 attempts to see the last phase of Chimaeron and we got it that attempt. A great job on a new boss and grats to Worgenit on the Brackish Gloves and more DE leather.
Last but not least, Maloriak on the 4th or 5th attempt is down. Grats to Molniya on Treads of Flawless Creation and Soli.... I mean DE on Cloak of Biting Chill ;P
2 new boses in BD down is awesome. We made 2 new friends, a solid dk tank and a healer (cannot recall the names but I'll update when I am at home) that did great.
Read up on Atramedes and Nefarian for next week as we might get a shot at him. Lets try to make the first four bosses a 1 or two shot so we can have a good amount of time on the two harder fights. BoT and conclave are open to pug.
Also, was this an official raid? I thought it was just mah pugz.