1.7 Discussion
Look what Notch posted:
(I don't know how to embed. Sorry!
Pistons! I'm pretty excited for this, there's a lot of possibilities here. The secret entrance he shows in the video is awesome! Plus, it looks like slime balls are going to maybe be easier to come by...?
(I don't know how to embed. Sorry!

Pistons! I'm pretty excited for this, there's a lot of possibilities here. The secret entrance he shows in the video is awesome! Plus, it looks like slime balls are going to maybe be easier to come by...?
The first thing that comes to mind is a floor switch that will "seal" the hallway and allow water to fall into the hallway. Drown them out! It'd be especially cool if it was then impossible for them to step off the switch to deactivate the circuit, and instead have a hidden switch elsewhere that would reset it.
But really, I'm pretty excited to see what this adventure stuff is all about.
icrontic.com/minecraftglory (not a real link)
Watch the secret entrance he plays around with, I am pretty sure the top 4 blocks are doing just that. There are pistons behind the 4 blocks that pull them back and then pistons to the side that pull them to the side.
Now how many you can stack will be interesting to play around with.
Also a recent server list is slated to be included in 1.7, and redstone will now snap to repeaters like it does to torches
Click share - embed - copypaste
<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/uZJr86d2IUo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Use an RS-NOR latch. Step on the plate in the hallway, seal your doom. The other plate/switch is outside the hallway.
Bonus points for adding windows so you can watch the victim suffer and choose whether to release them or not.
Actually, if you had a layer of obsidian with windows through a layer of lava it would be a true death chamber, problem is hiding the lava...
my favorite trigger so far is an automatic cobblestone generator that outputs a stream of cobblestone debris onto a wooden plate - if anyone walks near it with an open slot, they pick it up and trigger the trap. This one suuuucks because any 'tard can break a pressure plate or not push / break a button.
Also, if you have modded items (blockIDs that don't exist in the stock game, etc), you'll likely have trouble with chests.
Edit: Yeah, I forgot. If you want to play with IC, wait to upgrade.
A PSA from your grumpy neighborhood sysadmin.
A Detailed tutorial would be an asset to our community and would most likely get stickyed.
Bukkit for 1.7_01 is out.
@Digi - Install the new version of the Minecraft GUI (http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp). It will prompt you when there's an update and let you choose not to update yet.