Expo Icrontic food/drink concerns

primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
edited June 2011 in Community
I'm getting a lot of feedback about food/drink concerns at Expo. This seems to be a hot topic for a lot of you, so I'm going to attempt (again) to explain our reasons, rationale, and stance.

The Cafe is hosting our event in exchange for the business it will generate. By taking this approach, we were able to cut ticket costs significantly from last year's prices (if you remember correctly, last year's tickets were $75...)

Therefore, in exchange, we are asking people in the nicest way possible: Please patronize the Cafe with your food and beverage needs when possible.

What we want to avoid is a situation where someone brings a cooler filled with their own drinks and food for the week, and avoids spending any money at the Cafe. This is against the spirit of the agreement we have with them, and against the spirit of the discount we're able to offer on the ticket prices.

To clear up any confusion: The cafe will be open until midnight, but the Expo will be open until 2am. After that, if you want to eat or drink anything, you cannot get it from the cafe.

The cafe, for obvious reasons, does not allow outside food and drinks for any of their customers. Therefore, if customers were seeing people from "the basement" bringing their own stuff in or eating their own food, they'd be all "not fair!" and we just want to avoid that.

We're not going to lay down and delineate lists of things that "are okay" and things that are "not okay", other than strictly forbidding bringing any liquor onto the premises. Basically, just try to understand: Be cool about it, don't be a dick, please patronize the Cafe; their prices are fair and they have a lot of stuff to offer. If you really need to bring your own stuff, then please bring it between midnight and 2am.

I hope that makes it clear.

That said, Tracey asked me to put the question out to the community: If there's a particular item you want that she doesn't stock, she'll order it for us. What kinds of energy drinks/sodas/cold stuff do you want? She'll be happy to stock it for the Expo crew, and probably for less money than you can buy it at retail anyway.


  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    If the cafe's food is like the first time, their sandwiches were huge and VERY tasty. I'm going to eat breakfast at the hotel (you can pick it up on the way in) and then grab a sandwich sometime in the day and then participate in the evening food tour/buffet. This setup will actually increase my time gaming/playing/talking by several hours over running out for breakfast, for lunch, and then for dinner. I'd be surprised if I end up spending any more than 10% more than other years so I'll take that 10% increase but get 20% more time and I will be a....

  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    so I can't put my case of bottled water or protein shakes in the basement. got it
  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Is there a menu?

    I would like to request "Bawls" the blue ones.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Zanthian wrote:
    Is there a menu?

    I would like to request "Bawls" the blue ones.
    you're married, that comes with the license. ;D
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited June 2011
  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Redbull and Snickers


  • LazarusXeroLazarusXero Illinois Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    I'm assuming that bring a 5-hr Energy would be acceptable though, correct? No sarcasm implied, it's not really a beverage (as I would dare anyone to drink 12 oz. of it and stay sane) and I wouldn't classify it as food...

    Just curious.
  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    The only concern I have is for water. I drink a lot of water, and I don't want to have to pay a dollar/bottle for it. I'm cool paying for sodas and sandwiches, in fact, I'm looking forward to the time it will save, but I hate spending a lot of money on water.

    So, is the tap-water in the cafe good? If not, would it be too rude for me to just bring a case of water?
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Monster Khaos and Red Bull, with sugar. Big red apples, any of the ones that half red and half white/yellowy kind of color. Cran-apple JUICE.

    12 oz. of 5-hr making you insane, ya right. You only start to get nutty after 4+ days of no sleep and that is partially because you start to black out for a few seconds on a high frequency. Come back when you drink 2 redlines in under 12 hours.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Michigan has some of the cleanest tap water in the world, honestly. I'm absolutely sure tracey would have no problem at all with giving you free tap water in a glass.
  • RootWyrmRootWyrm Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Brian, does Tracey's accept credit cards? Also, is there a way that we can perhaps set it up so that Expo attendees can run a daily tab for those of us who drink coffee like it's going out of style?
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Yes, they accept credit and debit cards. The tab idea is a very, very good one. I'll talk to Tracey about how to handle that logistically.
  • RootWyrmRootWyrm Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Yes, they accept credit and debit cards. The tab idea is a very, very good one. I'll talk to Tracey about how to handle that logistically.

    *beams* I try. (Also I've done the CC handling thing, such a pain in so many ways.)
    Here's wishlist.
    - Flavored Coffee: Anything with blueberries in it is awesome.
    - Flavored Coffee: ...also anything with strawberries.
    - Orange juice with pulp.
    - Yogurt, not too terribly picky, just nothing with coconut.
    - ... pretty please mark anything with coconut.

    Also be prepared for Consumption of Mass Quantities. If we could figure out some way to arrange for coffee in the basement, that would be super beyond awesome.
  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Yes, they accept credit and debit cards. The tab idea is a very, very good one. I'll talk to Tracey about how to handle that logistically.

    Credit/debit card taken up front and tied to name on badge. It would be like Super Badge!

    /me "Redbull Please?"


    /awesome waitperson "No Problem Mr. Digital"

    /me Caffeinated Heaven


  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Tab's based on EPIC Badges... so awesome of an idea!!!
  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    We'll have to get little mag stripes on the badges, then it'll be just like using a CC... oh wait...
  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    I drink nothing but diet coke. I'm trying to pickle my liver.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    What happens if I loose pants while at the cafe?
  • colacola part legend, part devil... all man Balls deep Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Fruit Punch/Regular NOS if you please.
  • NiGHTSNiGHTS San Diego Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Accountant Alert:

    I can almost guarantee with utmost certainty that if she can avoid running credit cards for everyone, she will. If she's planning on discounting food for us as is, she's losing money on that in addition to the 3-6% she'll lose paying the credit card fees too.

    When you ask about tabs, ask her if she has a preferred way of payment that would benefit her the most... one large check or cash amount at the end might be preferred in her books.

    Also, you're going to have to find a happy medium for energy drinks methinks. There's no way she's going to purchase a case of Bawls, 5-hour, NOS, Four Loko, etc. if one person requests it, particularly if she's got a distribution agreement with a particular company.
  • WinfreyWinfrey waddafuh Missouri Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    As long as the cafe has food I can eat (gluten free) I'll probably get several lunches there at the least.

    As for other snacks/drinks I like to get a 6-pack of gatorade/powerade and a big bag of candy to last for the event. Especially gummy bears/worms, gimme a 5lb bag o' that!
  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    Would gladly buy $100 cash credit for Super Badge

  • pragtasticpragtastic Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    other than strictly forbidding bringing any liquor onto the premises.

    I'll be at a strict disadvantage for the TF2'ing now.
  • mertesnmertesn I am Bobby Miller Yukon, OK Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    pragtastic wrote:
    I'll be at a strict disadvantage for the TF2'ing now.
    Which means I stand a chance at survival.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    It means brewing at the facility is still allowed.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    I plan on bringing cash for all of my cafe purchases.

    //edit: Also, I second the call for BAWLS.
  • RootWyrmRootWyrm Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    NiGHTS wrote:
    Accountant Alert:

    I can almost guarantee with utmost certainty that if she can avoid running credit cards for everyone, she will. If she's planning on discounting food for us as is, she's losing money on that in addition to the 3-6% she'll lose paying the credit card fees too.

    ^^^ Yup.
    Thing is, it's the transaction fees we're looking to avoid here. You have a processing fee (percentage of sale) and a transaction fee (flat charge) associated with each transaction. Typical rate is $0.12-0.75 per transaction - that's per run of the card, in other words. So if someone buys 4 coffees at $2.50 each and swipes the card each time, that can cost $0.17 in processing fees - no big deal - but up to $3.00 in transaction fees - OUCH! BUT! If that person buys 4 coffees and swipes their card ONCE, it's still $0.17 in processing but only $0.12-0.75 in transaction fees. Ta-dah. (Feel free to abuse my knowledge to your advantage, merchants!)
    That said, I don't know what Tracey's setup or arrangement is. Though I do know that it's not quite that high these days - typically around 1.25 to 2% excepting Amex. (AMS is currently offering 1.69% + $0.25 transaction with no monthly minimums, for example.)
    When you ask about tabs, ask her if she has a preferred way of payment that would benefit her the most... one large check or cash amount at the end might be preferred in her books.

    You know, I didn't think about checks, and that actually isn't a bad idea at all. (Some banks can be pains about checks though.) For some of us though - especially myself - paying a tab in cash is a non-starter. Mine will be... significant. I really do drink a LOT of coffee. But at the same time, paying with a check might make more sense for some of us. Sorry folks; I'm old. I still have actual checks. No seriously.
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    I'm assuming that bring a 5-hr Energy would be acceptable though, correct? No sarcasm implied, it's not really a beverage (as I would dare anyone to drink 12 oz. of it and stay sane) and I wouldn't classify it as food...

    Just curious.

    Actually, drinking a ton of 5 hour energy shouldn't really do anything to you. If you look there's no caffeine or sugar in that stuff. It's just a flavored liquid vitamin shot. All water soluble vitamins at that. How you react to drinking 12oz of it would depend on how you react to B-vitamins in general. For most people, they'd not notice much of a difference over the recommended dosage as they'd just piss away whatever their body couldn't use.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    ardichoke wrote:
    Actually, drinking a ton of 5 hour energy shouldn't really do anything to you. If you look there's no caffeine or sugar in that stuff. It's just a flavored liquid vitamin shot. All water soluble vitamins at that. How you react to drinking 12oz of it would depend on how you react to B-vitamins in general. For most people, they'd not notice much of a difference over the recommended dosage as they'd just piss away whatever their body couldn't use.

    There's actually about as much caffeine in a normal 5 hour energy as there is in a large cup of coffee. Plus the vitamins.
  • LazarusXeroLazarusXero Illinois Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    GHoosdum wrote:
    There's actually about as much caffeine in a normal 5 hour energy as there is in a large cup of coffee. Plus the vitamins.

    It'd be a fun experiment... perhaps if we don't explain the above to the test subject there would be a fantastic placebo effect... such as giving an O'Douls to a teenager that's been nagging you for a beer....
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