Icrontic Guild is Level 15 now!

HydrarHydrar Columbia, MD Icrontian
edited December 2011 in Gaming
Quick and the Dead Perk:

Increases health gained when resurrected by a guild member by 50% and increases movement speed while dead by 100%.

And in other news you probably don't care about, the new ZA & ZG are kinda fun. If you do find yourself back in WoW at all... definitely worth an hour or two to try them out.

4.2 comes out later this month. mmo-champion has all the infos.

(just a FYI... I'm only playing very, very casually)

Perhaps, however... perhaps we'll meet up again someday in Azeroth.


  • SpencerForHireSpencerForHire Clawson, MI
    edited June 2011
    Or at Hogwarts, or Tyria!
  • HydrarHydrar Columbia, MD Icrontian
    edited June 2011
    4.2 out yesterday. first quest chain yields a ilvl 365 cloak. mostly storyline w/ Thrall. No worries, I'm holding the guild together!

    Hogwarts? is there a Potter MMO I don't know about?
  • MalpercioMalpercio Greater St. Louis Area
    edited June 2011
    I had the opportunity to raid Firelands last night. It's pretty awesome, in my opinion, it's crazy how huge it is! I pugged it with a guild whose name I can't remember. We cleared trash (oh so much trash...) and wiped on Shannox about 15 times before calling it quits, because by that time the trash respawned and we didn't want to wade through the trash again.
  • FearmyblinkFearmyblink California Icrontian
    edited July 2011
    anybody gunna start raiding again? my warrior is almost raid ready and ide like to get back into raiding.
  • HydrarHydrar Columbia, MD Icrontian
    edited July 2011
    Just pugging. I get the feeling Icrontic is done with WoW. The 4.2 content and storyline is good so far. I don't like that CC no longer causes aggro, though.
  • IlikemacesIlikemaces Clawson
    edited July 2011
    Yeah that's the main reason I xfered. If you want to come to a horde server Scott I'm on one where people want to start raiding. Just lemme know one way or another. It'd be casual still but most likely more then 1 raid night. (probably 2)
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited July 2011
    totally grinded myself out of WoW

    actually, any game that involves grinding is pretty much a turn off right now
  • HydrarHydrar Columbia, MD Icrontian
    edited July 2011
    Yeah, I am not really playing much... Was thinking of possibly tranferring to the Reddit guild, if at all.
  • ParagonVestibuleParagonVestibule South Australia
    edited December 2011
    I have not played in so long. Now I really feel like getting online again.
  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    GW2 Doesn't do much for me, I think I am interested in firing up the ol WOW account for the MoP.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    Perry and Kyle started playing again. Perry is old enough now to actually know what he's doing, and he is geared up for raids, and Kyle is getting there quickly. Might want to contact him.
  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    edited September 2012

    Perry and Kyle started playing again. Perry is old enough now to actually know what he's doing, and he is geared up for raids, and Kyle is getting there quickly. Might want to contact him.

    Yeah, could get an invite a dude mount and stuff too as I dont have an account anymore either. Ill be starting fresh.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    I'll tell them
  • MiracleManSMiracleManS Chambersburg, PA Icrontian
    I'm still playing with my wife and on my own.
  • TheironhandTheironhand Centerline, Michigan Icrontian
    Think I might go back to playing, GW2 really disappointed me.
  • JBoogalooJBoogaloo This too shall pass... Alexandria, VA Icrontian

    Think I might go back to playing, GW2 really disappointed me.

    Lots of people I know had this same sentiment when GW1 came out and I'm hearing it a lot more often among people who had high hopes for GW2. I never got into either one. Though, I have been thinking about getting back into WoW again...maybe.

  • RahnalH102RahnalH102 the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature Enthusiast New Mexico Icrontian
    I still play WoW (as well as GW2 I'm loving both so far) and can help out with raids via the Real ID support if needed.
  • TheironhandTheironhand Centerline, Michigan Icrontian
    Is the Icrontic guild still active? If not we could always start a new one.
  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian

    Is the Icrontic guild still active? If not we could always start a new one.

    @hydrar would be the one to know. It was alliance side last i knew, and he was the last one playing.
  • MiracleManSMiracleManS Chambersburg, PA Icrontian
    I'm still playing on Tortheldrin hilariously.
  • Ok how do I stop getting emails. Delete all my comments?
  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    Click on your pseudonym, edit your profile, notification settings.
  • and unless you're super bored I wouldn't get back into WoW magic. It's boring still, i cleared all the cata content and am done once my sub ends due to the game just being the same over and over. And you'll re-hit all the same problems you had the last time you tried to get the guild running, IMO.
  • FearmyblinkFearmyblink California Icrontian
    edited September 2012
    the only thing that keeps me interested in the game anymore is arena and trying to push rating, but i would raid if i ever found a guild i liked and that would stay active, i miss raiding icc with Icrontic (even though i was god awful back then). GW2 disappointed me tremendously as well.
  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian

    the only thing that keeps me interested in the game anymore is arena and trying to push rating, but i would raid if i ever found a guild i liked and that would stay active, i miss raiding icc with Icrontic (even though i was god awful back then). GW2 disappointed me tremendously as well.

    I just started playing again on Tortheldrin, horde. Leveling from scratch. I've always enjoyed starting from 1.
  • FearmyblinkFearmyblink California Icrontian
    i didn't even know people played on Tortheldrin still, seemed so dead when i transferred off of it. I actually currently have 85s on like 4 different battlegroups for arenas and to play with friends.
  • HydrarHydrar Columbia, MD Icrontian
    Update. Guild is now level 19 (of 25)! Katie and I have been playing lately. Guild bank is growing now that 10% of our loot goes into the bank!

    I leveled Hydrar up to 90 and have been running heroic 5-mans/raids. Katie leveled up a panda monk.

    I have to admit... it's been really fun. Even without a guildmates :( . Pandaria - quests and instances are very cool. Much of a zone and an entire 5-man dedicated to beer brewing.

    Things I like:

    * 5-mans and raids have much less trash in them. Most heroics take 20 mins. 3-4 bosses each. Mechanics are fun.
    * LFR - "Looking for raid" creates 25man raids much like dungeon finder does. It works surprisingly well. Tuned down a bit from real raids, and so is the gear, but still a good experience so far. Plus you can check out raid mechanics without being in a dedicated raiding group. Raids divided into 2-3 parts for LFG... 3 bosses per. Each part is about 45 mins long. Loot is issued automatically (game rolls for you - 86 and up you get loot, otherwise bag of gold).
    * Scenarios - these are 3-man instances where you and 2 others (typically all 3 are DPS spec) run through key storyline events and battles. Awards valor/gold/items.
    * World bosses
    * Pet Battles - embarrassingly fun. Turn-based combat using pets/critters, each with special abilities, strengths, weaknesses. Cross-realm competition and match-ups.
    * Simplified talent system. Each spec comes with certain abilities, and every 15 levels you choose a key talent.
    * Leveling is pretty quick 1-80. I think Katie burned through Outlands in 1.5 zones. We did 80-85 in 2 zones. 85-90 takes 3-4 Pandaria zones.
    * 5.2 Throne of Thunder patch brought in a new island with interesting mechanics and storyline, including a solo instance where you just run around picking up treasure while avoiding traps (key to instance is rare, works weekly). The server-wide effort opens up stages. Our server is almost to stage 4 of 6.

    Things I don't like:

    * Never liked the idea of Pandas, but it's not too bad. Monks can be tanks/healers/dps. Many races can be monks.
    * Tillers / farming. You can now plant seeds, care for crops, harvest items for cooking, etc. I'm sure some folks would love this, not for me. Crops take 18 real-life hours to grow, I think.
    * Black Market Auction House - rare items from raids, trading card game, etc. put up for auction by the game for lots of gold. Essentially a gold sink, but I don't like anyone having access to certain rare items.

  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    Damn, I think I'll come back and try it out again. What server faction were we on?
  • HydrarHydrar Columbia, MD Icrontian
    Kel'Thezud, Alliance.
  • Fine. Dicks. Giving it a shot.

    For anyone that might want to jump in and explore for a bit: https://us.battle.net/account/creation/wow/signup/landing.html
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