Icrontic Guild is Level 15 now!
Quick and the Dead Perk:
Increases health gained when resurrected by a guild member by 50% and increases movement speed while dead by 100%.
And in other news you probably don't care about, the new ZA & ZG are kinda fun. If you do find yourself back in WoW at all... definitely worth an hour or two to try them out.
4.2 comes out later this month. mmo-champion has all the infos.
(just a FYI... I'm only playing very, very casually)
Perhaps, however... perhaps we'll meet up again someday in Azeroth.
Increases health gained when resurrected by a guild member by 50% and increases movement speed while dead by 100%.
And in other news you probably don't care about, the new ZA & ZG are kinda fun. If you do find yourself back in WoW at all... definitely worth an hour or two to try them out.
4.2 comes out later this month. mmo-champion has all the infos.
(just a FYI... I'm only playing very, very casually)
Perhaps, however... perhaps we'll meet up again someday in Azeroth.
Hogwarts? is there a Potter MMO I don't know about?
actually, any game that involves grinding is pretty much a turn off right now
I leveled Hydrar up to 90 and have been running heroic 5-mans/raids. Katie leveled up a panda monk.
I have to admit... it's been really fun. Even without a guildmates . Pandaria - quests and instances are very cool. Much of a zone and an entire 5-man dedicated to beer brewing.
Things I like:
* 5-mans and raids have much less trash in them. Most heroics take 20 mins. 3-4 bosses each. Mechanics are fun.
* LFR - "Looking for raid" creates 25man raids much like dungeon finder does. It works surprisingly well. Tuned down a bit from real raids, and so is the gear, but still a good experience so far. Plus you can check out raid mechanics without being in a dedicated raiding group. Raids divided into 2-3 parts for LFG... 3 bosses per. Each part is about 45 mins long. Loot is issued automatically (game rolls for you - 86 and up you get loot, otherwise bag of gold).
* Scenarios - these are 3-man instances where you and 2 others (typically all 3 are DPS spec) run through key storyline events and battles. Awards valor/gold/items.
* World bosses
* Pet Battles - embarrassingly fun. Turn-based combat using pets/critters, each with special abilities, strengths, weaknesses. Cross-realm competition and match-ups.
* Simplified talent system. Each spec comes with certain abilities, and every 15 levels you choose a key talent.
* Leveling is pretty quick 1-80. I think Katie burned through Outlands in 1.5 zones. We did 80-85 in 2 zones. 85-90 takes 3-4 Pandaria zones.
* 5.2 Throne of Thunder patch brought in a new island with interesting mechanics and storyline, including a solo instance where you just run around picking up treasure while avoiding traps (key to instance is rare, works weekly). The server-wide effort opens up stages. Our server is almost to stage 4 of 6.
Things I don't like:
* Never liked the idea of Pandas, but it's not too bad. Monks can be tanks/healers/dps. Many races can be monks.
* Tillers / farming. You can now plant seeds, care for crops, harvest items for cooking, etc. I'm sure some folks would love this, not for me. Crops take 18 real-life hours to grow, I think.
* Black Market Auction House - rare items from raids, trading card game, etc. put up for auction by the game for lots of gold. Essentially a gold sink, but I don't like anyone having access to certain rare items.
For anyone that might want to jump in and explore for a bit: https://us.battle.net/account/creation/wow/signup/landing.html