Made it back to CBus. Very tired. Glad I packed in as much as I could in one evening. Hope epic things were made in the DTC (dicktower? dick-rube-goldberg-machine?). Good to see everbody!
Cola, I did not say goodbye, and I am sad. I also failed to give you the Pinkie Pie toothpaste that I brought, one for me, one for you, one for Canti. The original IC bronies roll deep.
I got back home at about 11:15 PST. I'm now working from home due to my sinus infection and whatever is going on with my throat; these conference calls are really tough without being able to speak!
I'm back home, all up in Indianapolis... or rather Fishers, IN. I slept from 8pm to noon today. Ready for the week! kinda... I miss you all though and enjoyed getting to know everyone. Looking forward to next year already! Until then, I'll see you all around these interwebz.
Made it home last night, but immediately missed the 40odd friends I'd either made for the first time or finally got to meet face to face. Thanks, everyone, for an absolutely awesome time.
I hear there is a website that might need a new full time admin. The pay might not be what you are looking for and it might require relocating to Detroit. I think the site's name is
Glad you're home safe, dude. Sorry for the three of us being total dicks and waking you up when we got back to the room :P
Also, big thanks to Linc for driving me to the airport this morning, I owe you one XD
Thanks to all. Expo was fun.
Epic EpIC is Epic
That being said, work this week has been awful. I need to find a job around people like you folks. :/