My Trip through the U.P

Me and my lady went on a camping/hiking trip through Michigan's Upper Peninsula a few weeks ago. July 20-27th. We had never been up there before. Well, I can't say never. IVE been there before with my parents, but I was so young that I don't remember it.
I never realized how beautiful Michigan could be. It almost didn't feel like Michigan up there. Im just so used to the Detroit area.
Ive been getting more and more into photography, and realizing how much fun it is. So I brought the Camera gear along, and shot over 1,000 pictures along the week
I also brought along our HD camcorder, and got some decent video. So I have tons of files to go through.
I finally got around to filtering through most of the RAW pics, and editing my favorites so far. I figured I would share some of my favorites out of the ones I completed so far.
I posted them in my Flickr here:
They look much nicer is you click on them to view them full, with the black background.
Let me know what you think,
I need to get a lens. Im still shooting with just the 18-55 kit lens. Which isn't horrible , but tends to not be the sharpest. So some I had to bump up the sharpness on a few of the RAWs in Photoshop.
I never realized how beautiful Michigan could be. It almost didn't feel like Michigan up there. Im just so used to the Detroit area.
Ive been getting more and more into photography, and realizing how much fun it is. So I brought the Camera gear along, and shot over 1,000 pictures along the week

I also brought along our HD camcorder, and got some decent video. So I have tons of files to go through.
I finally got around to filtering through most of the RAW pics, and editing my favorites so far. I figured I would share some of my favorites out of the ones I completed so far.
I posted them in my Flickr here:
They look much nicer is you click on them to view them full, with the black background.
Let me know what you think,
I need to get a lens. Im still shooting with just the 18-55 kit lens. Which isn't horrible , but tends to not be the sharpest. So some I had to bump up the sharpness on a few of the RAWs in Photoshop.
I know, I can't believe that im just starting to realize this. I usually spend my vacations trying to escape Michigan. But there is actually a lot to see here.
Yea, I could see that. There is a lot of land up there, not too many highly populated, technological cities.
Thanks a lot man
I always viewed that as a positive for internet based companies. Lots of cheap land, relatively natural disaster free (with the exception of blizzards, which are much more easily managed than, say, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.). The big problem would be getting the necessary power infrastructure and data lines.
Thanks a lot Leonardo