My own basement walls end 2 spaces within my plot limit (The rest is a moat) however I have a section of redstone wire that goes right up to my plot limit (but not exceeding its the only way the iron doors will function so I can't push the wire backwards even though it does leave a visible space in the undercity wall.)
The original design was indeed to use the two outer rows of the road as the walls between the road and plot allowing builders to utilize the entire 21x21 space. This would make the road 3x5. I realize that some members have built with this in mind and I realize most of the tunnels have been mines out at 5x5.
I really like the look of the 5x5 so here is what I ask. When you run into one of those with the walls outstretching, dig around it and PM me or let me know off forum. I will work out contacting those individuals and work out moving their walls in. Design of those walls are 100% up to the plot owner. DO NOT leave signs regarding any of this. Signs are to short to properly explain what needs to get explained.
You are also going to run into a couple instances where the under roads will not be going through certain plots. This has been requested and worked out with those particular players who communicated with me and we worked it out:
Between the square of plots A2, A3, B2, B3 will not be dug out.
The area around whiskey lane still needs to be addressed. I need to work with Cola and UPSLynx to coordinate what is going on around there.
Thank you to everyone that has helped with the under roads. They look amazing.
My own basement walls end 2 spaces within my plot limit (The rest is a moat) however I have a section of redstone wire that goes right up to my plot limit (but not exceeding its the only way the iron doors will function so I can't push the wire backwards even though it does leave a visible space in the undercity wall.)
I see no problem with what you described other then the possible accidental knocking of your redstone.
Since someone started on A1 before me, I have/will be rectifying the wall situation underground.
Also, I harvested the wheat field.. I was wholly unprepared for this. Who made this thing? It is amazing! I did not have enough space for everything in 1 go though, totally unprepared for the volume of wheat. I am 1/4 of the way done replanting as of this moment. Whew!
Wait, how does this one touch harvest work? I have been manually harvesting wheat as I'm used to. MAGNETS!?
Back in the day when water flowed over a wheat crop, you only got the wheat. This stemmed giant wheat farms because seeds were a pain in teh ass to get, remember running around hoein' grass and every 10th one or so would pop up a seed? Manually harvesting was the only way to keep a supply of seeds and not go insane. A While back the Mojang team changed it so that water flowing over the crops popped out seeds also. This spurred a huge drop in frame rates as gigantic farms were created in that 1 water source could be split down multiple channels, dipping every X meters to the next level, down to the next and so on. The remaining disadvantage was that you still needed to creep while replanting or you risk "trampling" your dirt and requiring a re-til. That was later "fixed" as you do not trample crops simply walking through them or even sprinting though jumping will more than likely trample your tilled dirt.
Now if there was only an easier way to replant the seeds.
Can I get a 75x75 outlands plot adjacent to town claimed? Preferably north and/or east of town? I don't care what care what kind of terrain it's on so long as it's not ocean.
Not adjacent to the current town, no. I could put you out past the expansion plots, but I don't know when we will be doing expansion or what direction it will go.
That's fine, anything near town that could allocate that size would be nice, even if I end up in the water. I can always slaughter a faraway desert and fill that sucker with sand.
K, after much confusion finally found something in BFE I'm reasonably comfortable with: basically a 35x35 plot centered on x:467, z:335. I've marked it (very roughly) with four short dirt pillars w/torches on top. Given it's 3am here though, I may move it somewhat closer to the edge of the wood (thus northerly and closer to civilization, maybe) tomorrow. Thanks again Digi for all the help.
also, am I correct in seeing that plot A8 in town is open, next to CaptainMoustache in A9? if it's still available, I'd like to nab A8 that so I can moon him through our windows.
also, am I correct in seeing that plot A8 in town is open, next to CaptainMoustache in A9? if it's still available, I'd like to nab A8 that so I can moon him through our windows.
I'll check on that when I get home. If it is still available, then it is yours.
also, am I correct in seeing that plot A8 in town is open, next to CaptainMoustache in A9? if it's still available, I'd like to nab A8 that so I can moon him through our windows.
And with that ladies and gentlemen, every single plot is assigned. I will post updated info in the OP as soon as possible. Time to start planning The Expansion.
I really like the look of the 5x5 so here is what I ask. When you run into one of those with the walls outstretching, dig around it and PM me or let me know off forum. I will work out contacting those individuals and work out moving their walls in. Design of those walls are 100% up to the plot owner. DO NOT leave signs regarding any of this. Signs are to short to properly explain what needs to get explained.
You are also going to run into a couple instances where the under roads will not be going through certain plots. This has been requested and worked out with those particular players who communicated with me and we worked it out:
Between the square of plots A2, A3, B2, B3 will not be dug out.
The area around whiskey lane still needs to be addressed. I need to work with Cola and UPSLynx to coordinate what is going on around there.
Thank you to everyone that has helped with the under roads. They look amazing. I see no problem with what you described other then the possible accidental knocking of your redstone.
Also, I harvested the wheat field.. I was wholly unprepared for this. Who made this thing? It is amazing! I did not have enough space for everything in 1 go though, totally unprepared for the volume of wheat. I am 1/4 of the way done replanting as of this moment. Whew!
192 more bread in the chest and field replanted.
Now if there was only an easier way to replant the seeds.
I know way to much about this game,
Automated wheat farm: Dispenser spits out seed, then hits it with bonemeal, then gets hit with water to harvest it. Repeat.