ICMC: ICTown and Build Plot Requests
All plots of ICTown are currently accounted for. I will update this thread as soon as possible. Expansion will be planed. Keep an eye on the Minecraft forum for further details.
I am going to control the land on our map so that we have an organized server. This will both make transportation easier and sight seeing a better experience.
Those of you who want to build
I need to know how much land you need. You can still build whatever you want, and still almost wherever you want. I am going to grid out the map to make plots. If you want 1000x1000 plot to build your own castle or a 10x10 house, just say it and I will find you a space to do so.
Spawn and surrounding area
The center of the map will be community builds. Spawn in the middle, a new Icrontic Town with residential (height limit, must be houses) and industrial (Towers of pain, ect) plots and Icrontic Farms. More specific info and threads on that later.
The Outlands
I will refer to land outside of assigned land as Outlands. Outlands are fair game for exploring and mining until the plot of land is assigned to someone. There should be no building in the Outlands other then small survival shacks or mining camps. If you find something interesting in the Outlands and wish to build on it, just let me know so I can assign a plot containing it.
Game Generated Structures
Strongholds and NPC Villages are community property. Finding them should be reported to me asap so that we can plan around them. At least for the first of each we will work to enhance but preserve them. All goodies in dungeons are those of the finders, but we request that the spawners be preserved and reported so that we may use them as community grinders.
Icrontic Town
All plots will have 5 wide roads between them at ground level. These are the top of a 5x5 tunnel for underground travel / connections /entrances.
Plot Sizes:
Residential plots
Size: 21x21
Build Limitations: Nothing more than 10 blocks above ground level, nothing more than 5 blocks below ground level. The 6th level must be solid blocks.
Industrial plots
Size: 35x35
Build limitations: Nothing more than 20 blocks below ground level, no height restriction
The order of request will be used to resolve any plot assignment decisions.
Players may build bridges between plots to any neighbors who agree to this but these must be more than 5 blocks above the road (leaving 5x5 clear above every road). Building over the road (again more than 5 above road) is fine as long as not taken out of hand. There will no doubt be tunnels through mountains, the standard size for these will be 5x5 above the road level.
<img src="//icrontic.com/uploads/FileUpload/25/2157992ca3b980cd6f8b590a922015.png" />
Red - Spawn 49x49
Green - Residential 21x21
Light Green - Reserved Residential
Yellow - Industrial 35x35
Brown - Combos
Orange - Community Project Quadrant (Was: IC Farms)
Blue - IC Farms Quadrant (Was: Community project)
White - Expansion land (enough to double town if needed) or future community projects.
Current Availability And Claims:
<img src="//icrontic.com/uploads/FileUpload/7f/c3c684bf837e80f177103cd2d4492a.png" />
Red - Claimed
Updated: 02/09/12
Use this thread to:
Mine on!
I am going to control the land on our map so that we have an organized server. This will both make transportation easier and sight seeing a better experience.
Those of you who want to build
I need to know how much land you need. You can still build whatever you want, and still almost wherever you want. I am going to grid out the map to make plots. If you want 1000x1000 plot to build your own castle or a 10x10 house, just say it and I will find you a space to do so.
Spawn and surrounding area
The center of the map will be community builds. Spawn in the middle, a new Icrontic Town with residential (height limit, must be houses) and industrial (Towers of pain, ect) plots and Icrontic Farms. More specific info and threads on that later.
The Outlands
I will refer to land outside of assigned land as Outlands. Outlands are fair game for exploring and mining until the plot of land is assigned to someone. There should be no building in the Outlands other then small survival shacks or mining camps. If you find something interesting in the Outlands and wish to build on it, just let me know so I can assign a plot containing it.
Game Generated Structures
Strongholds and NPC Villages are community property. Finding them should be reported to me asap so that we can plan around them. At least for the first of each we will work to enhance but preserve them. All goodies in dungeons are those of the finders, but we request that the spawners be preserved and reported so that we may use them as community grinders.
Icrontic Town
All plots will have 5 wide roads between them at ground level. These are the top of a 5x5 tunnel for underground travel / connections /entrances.
Plot Sizes:
Residential plots
Size: 21x21
Build Limitations: Nothing more than 10 blocks above ground level, nothing more than 5 blocks below ground level. The 6th level must be solid blocks.
Industrial plots
Size: 35x35
Build limitations: Nothing more than 20 blocks below ground level, no height restriction
The order of request will be used to resolve any plot assignment decisions.
Players may build bridges between plots to any neighbors who agree to this but these must be more than 5 blocks above the road (leaving 5x5 clear above every road). Building over the road (again more than 5 above road) is fine as long as not taken out of hand. There will no doubt be tunnels through mountains, the standard size for these will be 5x5 above the road level.
<img src="//icrontic.com/uploads/FileUpload/25/2157992ca3b980cd6f8b590a922015.png" />
Red - Spawn 49x49
Green - Residential 21x21
Light Green - Reserved Residential
Yellow - Industrial 35x35
Brown - Combos
Orange - Community Project Quadrant (Was: IC Farms)
Blue - IC Farms Quadrant (Was: Community project)
White - Expansion land (enough to double town if needed) or future community projects.
Current Availability And Claims:
<img src="//icrontic.com/uploads/FileUpload/7f/c3c684bf837e80f177103cd2d4492a.png" />
Red - Claimed
Updated: 02/09/12
Use this thread to:
- Request build plots in the Outlands (you don't have to tell me what you are building, but I need to know how much space you need). If you have geographical requests (lots of sand, forest, ect) be sure to mention them and I will do my best to accommodate.
- Request ICTown plots, Limit 1 residential and 1 industrial plot per player.
- Discuss land plots with me. Share your ideas.
Mine on!

This discussion has been closed.
Cheers for organising this stuff Mr Digi.
Also putting in my request for a residential plot in ICTown.
For industrial plots in ICTown, are these for farming and such, or just grinders, etc?
Outlands, no limits. Your plot is your plot bedrock to build limit.
Also, what are the rules around "ocean" plots - same as other wilderness?
Can haz town plot + spot for a wee farm where ever they are supposed to go.
Really looking forward to this.
I as well am really looking forward to playing again, Cant WAIT!!!!