John, I saw something similar (where I thought I was double-posting) but if I refreshed the page, there was only one. I think it may be related to draft saving, because that is when I typically notice it. Not sure if that is the same behavior you are referencing.
Hrm, I've had a similar experience except in my case deleting the second post results in the first one being deleted as well, not really a big issue because the draft feature saves what I was writing but eh.
Hrm, I've had a similar experience except in my case deleting the second post results in the first one being deleted as well, not really a big issue because the draft feature saves what I was writing but eh.
I have encountered this as well. Very frustrating.
I've noticed that in the occasion when two posts appear, one is a phantom. If I reload the page, there is actually only one post afterall.
Straight_ManGeeky, in my own wayNaples, FLIcrontian
I've noticed that in the occasion when two posts appear, one is a phantom. If I reload the page, there is actually only one post afterall.
Ok, I THINK I tried that and it did not always work, but it is interesting that it even happens in the first place. It happens in more than two browsers and in Linux and in Windows, so I think it is nothing here on my end. Happens mostly to me in Trading Post, weirdly enough.
Ah, well, Matt will eventually make sense of it, I do not code in PHP at all to understand what is up here. I also know that vBulletin, for all its failings, never has done this to me.
But, thank you folks and CB, for suggesting this page reloading can help sometimes(for me at least). Will report if it happens again and whether page reloading fixed it. or not.
Alright I think I know what's going on with the double post thing (Of course this applies only to articles I still have no clue as to why it happens on standard discussions.)
I was posting in the article page for the Mega Man and Pac-Man announced as PS3 exclusives for Street Fighter X Tekken article and when I went in to view it as just the discussion I saw that my in article post had been doubled up so I saved the original text, deleted the original (Which caused the second to be deleted as well) and simply reposted.
I think it's auto-fetching new comments that's doing it. I've disabled it for now so let me know if the issue persists.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
Found a minor bug:
Appeared as I posted a comment in the discussion. The spoiler bar was about at the top of my browsers window. Not sure if that would mean anything. Also messed around with the added button and it functioned like normal. It was like two light switches for the same outlet.
There are 3 posts (Bobby, Prime, and Branmyson) after Thrax, yet Thrax is seen as the last poster on the "all discussions" page as well as the category "icrontic".
Yes, when I go into the thread, you are first poster.
I mean on the "All discussions" page, when you see the thread "unsung...." it lists you as "last comment posted by.. Thrax at blah blah", it should say Branmyson.. right?
yes, go to the categories tab, hover over a "forum" and you will see a gear appear at the right, just unfollow it. Those you unfollow, will not be included in the "all" tab
yes, go to the categories tab, hover over a "forum" and you will see a gear appear at the right, just unfollow it. Those you unfollow, will not be included in the "all" tab
Was in my messages inbox reading a PM when I was added to another conversation in messages. I clicked on the pop up notification that informed me of this (the one in the bottom left) and got taken to a white page with the following error code:
I'm still adjusting to the new flow of things, not that I'm a particularly active poster.
For me, personally, having every discussion as the default forum page is intimidating and makes me avoid posting just about anything. I'm hesitant to eliminate entire categories from displaying in "All" because then I never see conversations from those areas. Some of them are easy to ignore because they don't interest me enough to keep them in there.
Most of my replying/posting comes from noticing new replies in threads I've already participated in.
Not really asking for changes, just wanted to share my experience so far. If I were going to recommend a change, it would be to allow us to pick a preference when logged in of what shows up as our default view in the forum. Even something as simple as the ability to set it to a specific category, commented threads, or all would be awesome. Even if it were a "subscriber's only" thing it is certainly something that would send me over the edge for buying a subscription.
The preference you might think of could be remedied by setting your IC bookmark to the link above or something similar so that you don't default to the discussions page.
I know I can set bookmarks. I've had this discussion before, but I don't use bookmarks...ever.
I literally open up chrome and type in every address I'm looking to go to. I always come into Icrontic via the front page because I've ignored the article categories.
Edit for clarification: Not that this isn't a way to get what I'm looking for, but its very hard for me to change my workflow and I'd only be doing it on Icrontic.
The biggest reason I don't use bookmarks is the second a site changes it's scheme (perfect example is Icrontic moving to Vanilla) I have to actively track down the changes that have been made and either edit the old ones and add new ones. It might not happen often, but it's enough to deter me from using them. It's the same reason I don't auto-open windows when I open my browser.
Having to change something maybe once a month (most likely less unless you go to stupid sites) is worth being annoyed at your 'workflow' (god I hate that term/ideaology. "HERP DERP THIS SOFTWARE MAKES MY WORKFLOW FEEL LIKE ASS.") every damn day for months on end?
Ah, well, Matt will eventually make sense of it, I do not code in PHP at all to understand what is up here. I also know that vBulletin, for all its failings, never has done this to me.
But, thank you folks and CB, for suggesting this page reloading can help sometimes(for me at least). Will report if it happens again and whether page reloading fixed it. or not.
I was posting in the article page for the Mega Man and Pac-Man announced as PS3 exclusives for Street Fighter X Tekken article and when I went in to view it as just the discussion I saw that my in article post had been doubled up so I saved the original text, deleted the original (Which caused the second to be deleted as well) and simply reposted.
There are 3 posts (Bobby, Prime, and Branmyson) after Thrax, yet Thrax is seen as the last poster on the "all discussions" page as well as the category "icrontic".
I mean on the "All discussions" page, when you see the thread "unsung...." it lists you as "last comment posted by.. Thrax at blah blah", it should say Branmyson.. right?
Was in my messages inbox reading a PM when I was added to another conversation in messages. I clicked on the pop up notification that informed me of this (the one in the bottom left) and got taken to a white page with the following error code:
haters gonna hate.
For me, personally, having every discussion as the default forum page is intimidating and makes me avoid posting just about anything. I'm hesitant to eliminate entire categories from displaying in "All" because then I never see conversations from those areas. Some of them are easy to ignore because they don't interest me enough to keep them in there.
Most of my replying/posting comes from noticing new replies in threads I've already participated in.
Not really asking for changes, just wanted to share my experience so far. If I were going to recommend a change, it would be to allow us to pick a preference when logged in of what shows up as our default view in the forum. Even something as simple as the ability to set it to a specific category, commented threads, or all would be awesome. Even if it were a "subscriber's only" thing it is certainly something that would send me over the edge for buying a subscription.
I don't know why the default view having all posts makes you more hesitant, as anyone could have seen the post before with one extra click. :/
I ignored a couple categories and haven't looked back yet
New replies in threads you've participated in:
The preference you might think of could be remedied by setting your IC bookmark to the link above or something similar so that you don't default to the discussions page. (All categories list) (participated list like Tushon pointed out) (A single category, in this case fitness)
I literally open up chrome and type in every address I'm looking to go to. I always come into Icrontic via the front page because I've ignored the article categories.
Edit for clarification: Not that this isn't a way to get what I'm looking for, but its very hard for me to change my workflow and I'd only be doing it on Icrontic.
The biggest reason I don't use bookmarks is the second a site changes it's scheme (perfect example is Icrontic moving to Vanilla) I have to actively track down the changes that have been made and either edit the old ones and add new ones. It might not happen often, but it's enough to deter me from using them. It's the same reason I don't auto-open windows when I open my browser.
Makes no sense to me.
Simply sharing something I thought would make an awesome addition. I guess not.