Interest in a Creative Megabuild Server?

I've been contemplating firing up a server with the 1.2 snapshot (and eventual release) which includes an additional build limit, which would allow for structures 192 above sea level (or in the case of a superflat gen, 250).
Anyone here have any interest in something like that (no dicks)?
Anyone here have any interest in something like that (no dicks)?
Midga - I would set it up as "superflat" which starts at 5 (4 grass, then bedrock below), which gives an ultimate build height of 250m.
I mean, I'll probably fire it up, anyway. I was just wondering if people were interested in joining me.
It looks like the build-height limit is not locked anymore, either, so an admin could choose to set the build-limit to 512 or even higher (though draw distance could cause a problem for many players).
Could be fun to have a place to try out some redstone and minecart creations with others before trying to implement them in the standard ic server.
Would prefer if we could make some epic group project on the current survival server but would be down for this.
Let me know when/if the server goes up. I'm itching to try this out.
I've also contemplated firing it up under 1.1 with the existing build-limit, but I don't know how the build-limit changes would affect things when the version updates.