Introducing Vanilla Reactions on Icrontic



  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited August 2012
    The only thing close is "Insightful" which I guess I could hack to say "Helpful". Brian and I are actually talking about whether to drop the "LOL" reaction and make it 1 simple up-vote reaction.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    I kinda like the LOLs. It's different from "awesome," I think.
  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian
    I do agree that LOL is different from awesome, but I guess I don't like LOL itself...? I don't know, reminds me of 11 year olds.

    How about Trolololol? haha.

    (Don't mind me, I just need more cheese with my whine)
  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian
    Hahaha I like "Lulz" :D
  • shwaipshwaip bluffin' with my muffin Icrontian
    I suggest going the other way. Rather than "awesomesauce" and "lulz", can we have "meh" and "heh"?
  • RyanFodderRyanFodder Detroit, MI Icrontian
    But then we'd be feeding the trolls.
  • QuadyTheTurnipQuadyTheTurnip Icrontian
    edited August 2012
    Time to put on my curmudgeon hat.

    I'll be happy to be proven wrong, but in general I'm not a fan of +1 and -1 systems in forums. Having them appear on the posts themselves is fine, but far too often I've seen systems where there are accumulated points lead to some people trying to either game the system or create posts specifically to gain points, thus lowering the quality of discourse. You'll probably end up thinking of Reddit when you read this, but there are other communities I've participated in that had similar systems and similar headaches.

    I hope you at least have systems in place to deal with vote spamming. And in order to both test this and offset my curmudgeon-y response, I have Awesomesauce'D everyone in this thread. EVERYONE. Because, you're all awesome.

    Ok, curmudgeon hat off.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    There's no -1 system. It's only positive.

    I don't see the problem with clicking 'Awesome' on every comment or why I'd want to code a system to stop you.
  • RyanFodderRyanFodder Detroit, MI Icrontian
    I now feel slightly less awesome about my comment, seeing as everyone got one :P
  • IlriyasIlriyas The Syrupy Canadian Toronto, Ontario Icrontian
    I totally wasn't paranoid enough of everything already.
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