I would pledge, but, as far as I know, Kickstarter doesn't take Paypal.
It runs on amazon payments.
midga"There's so much hot dog in Rome" ~digi(> ^.(> O_o)>Icrontian
Holy sweet deep-fried baby jesus...yes! As someone who has watched this campaign from the outside, and has heard the tales and backgrounds, I've wanted to be able to play in it for a while.
Of course, I'd prefer to play with CB running the game. ;3
But seriously, people, if you find this sort of thing interesting in the slightest, you should jump on this like a navy cadet on a port-town prozzy. If you're not interested, well, it's CB. DO IT FOR HERHIM
Ten days, $1600 to raise. Can we do it? I think so.
Icrontic: This is worth funding. It's a four-year labor of love, art, and talent. If you have any RPG friends, buy a copy for them. It will make a great holiday gift, so on and so forth.
midga"There's so much hot dog in Rome" ~digi(> ^.(> O_o)>Icrontian
Over 50% there, but we need more Icrontians to express their love for CB and/or this awesome setting. And by "express" I mean give, and by "love" I mean money. Seriously, I know you peeps can make this happen.
JBoogalooThis too shall pass...Alexandria, VAIcrontian
Pledged...now I need to get some artwork to CB so he can view it, lol!
Of course, I'd prefer to play with CB running the game. ;3
But seriously, people, if you find this sort of thing interesting in the slightest, you should jump on this like a navy cadet on a port-town prozzy. If you're not interested, well, it's CB. DO IT FOR
HERHIMIcrontic: This is worth funding. It's a four-year labor of love, art, and talent. If you have any RPG friends, buy a copy for them. It will make a great holiday gift, so on and so forth.
edit: added a new pledge level just for this.