Nexus 4 cool kids club
๐Austin, TX Icrontian
Got the 8 GB, I pick it up at home Thanksgiving weekend.
Who else saddled up?
Who else saddled up?
Yeah yeah, I know, tablets. But the Gnex is so large, I don't use my Nook often anymore because it's just more convenient to use the Gnex. I'd rather have a full-size tablet at this point for dicking around on the web or for planes or whatever. With all the travel I do, I'd much rather read a book or watch a film on a tablet than my Gnex. I never use my Gnex when I'm at home to browse and chat, but I would with a tablet.
I think the Nexus 10 is the perfect inbetween for my PC and my Gnex.
also got $45 worth of cc points + $50 mir for switching a number + 15k alaska miles
When my fiancee moves onto my mobile plan, I'll probably give her my GNex and buy a Nexus 4 for myself.
Despite my constant issues with my Evo 4G I promised Eli I would give Android another shot. We both picked up 16GB 4s and will be heading over to no-contract TMo.
Buy your own, never be subject to stupid contract extension bullshit.
As a person who only has decent data connections through VZW (AT&T is the next best...and has "weak" rated 3G in my area), its a shitty situation.
It's time American's let VZW DIAF
If Verizon is the best carrier in your area, you will continue to suffer under the weight of their monopoly.