Wilderzone Wednesdays: Player Compliments Thread

IlriyasIlriyas The Syrupy CanadianToronto, Ontario Icrontian
So I had the idea for a thread where Icrontians who participated in the Wilderzone Wednesdays game night could congratulate or pick out specific players for doing a great job that night.

I got positive feedback towards it tonight so here we are.

For tonight's game I'd like to give a big ol VGCA to @Pacifisto and @UPSKingpin

@Pacifisto is one of the best Pathfinders we've got on Icrontic, if he's playing you might be lucky to see him whizzing by the flagstand.

Well tonight Pacifisto managed to get every single cap in our second last game on the Crossfire map as well as make top player ON THE SERVER, not only that but he stepped up for two more matches one of which lasted only 5 minutes thanks to our awesome Pathfinder team of which Pacifisto made 3 grabs/caps meaning that he managed to grab and cap a flag in under 1 minute 3 SEPARATE TIMES. HOLY CRAP IS THAT FAST!

@UPSKingpin is another one of the Tribes regulars and tonight I have to give him props for making the entire Blood Eagle demolitions team and I ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE single-handedly defending the Diamond Sword generator armed only with a light turret and a thumper as the Technician class.

You have no idea how happy I was when I finally managed to blow up your teams generator...in the last 2 seconds of the match.

To everyone else way to go guys, if I manage to catch any of you being awesome in game I'll be sure to mention it here. Till then if you've seen another Icrontian going WAY PAST COOL then mention it here.


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