Lure them with food, then drown them in snuggles. Repeat until desired effect is achieved. Also, lay prone on the floor to deal with them; kittens are intimidated by our giant asses hovering over them.
^^ this. Just remember that you're big and scary to them, and will be for a while. Spoil them w/ food, and pets when they let you, and don't squee!! too much when they eventually get brave enough to explore.
(anecdotal, since my cats do not claw me unless I purposefully fuck with them)
My friend LOVES to mess with his cats and doesn't mind the scratches within reason, and they aren't afraid to mess with him back. Should see his arms. Like some weird attempt at cutting.
Haha good times. It's been 20 years or so since we've owned cats, as our son is allergic - I know about non-allergic blah blah, we just can't have pets pretty much period, but anyways. Back in the days pre-kids, we had 2. They were very rambunctious and I always encouraged that and wrassled with them multiple times daily. I was scratched like crazy from my fingertips to the elbows of both arms. I worked as a personal banker back then, and just about every customer would ask me WHAT THE F...??!!!
I got the first one when I was a bachelor, and lived a few months long distance from my fiancee/now wife. I trained the cat to jump off the couch arm or countertop and ride around on my shoulder. Got married and sorta forgot to tell mrs keto about that one, so when she moved in she thought the cat was leaping at her to attack . It was fun de-training the cat, I would stand there and watch it do it's little pre-jump prancing moves, then LEAP...and I'd take a quick sidestep and watch it do a superman jump 6' down to the floor (didn't hurt the cat). It learned its way out of that habit in a week.
Wrasslin'/fighting with the cats didn't make them any less affectionate, they would still curl up in my lap when I was watching TV or otherwise vegging out, they were totally friendly unless I made the first move but then very willing participants.
AnnesTripped Up by Libidos and HubrisAlexandria, VAIcrontian
12 hours and neither cat has used the litter box OR the floor. Normal?
JBoogalooThis too shall pass...Alexandria, VAIcrontian
yeah, it's normal. Stripey didn't go for a day when we had him. It's the anxiety. As long as they've eaten and drank a bit and have been set in the box, they know it's there. I'd leave the top off so they don't get freaked out any further (just my opinion). We left the top off of ours for a while until Stripey got used to it (a couple weeks with him)
Feed them dry food most of the time. It keeps them healthy and extends their lifespan. Canned stuff should be a rare treat. Play with them constantly. As for claws, my first cat was declawed, second cat was not, neither of them seemed less happy than the other.
AnnesTripped Up by Libidos and HubrisAlexandria, VAIcrontian
That is actually quite accurate. It is built in instinct. Mom Kitty would normally carry the kittens around by the scruff of their neck so it is preprogrammed for them to be calm when their scruff is grabbed. Though I have never seen a clip used like that, picking them up with your hand does not hurt them so feel free to use that if needed. For example if they get in mud/poop and you don't want to pick them up under their belly on the way to the bath for fear of getting said substance on yourself.
As with everything else, some cats will like it, others simply don't.
I don't even.
EDIT: also, d'awwww kittens!
If you manage to get hold of one, gently rub right in front of its ears. All six of mine love that.
Oh, and laser pointers are amazing toys.
I got the first one when I was a bachelor, and lived a few months long distance from my fiancee/now wife. I trained the cat to jump off the couch arm or countertop and ride around on my shoulder. Got married and sorta forgot to tell mrs keto about that one, so when she moved in she thought the cat was leaping at her to attack . It was fun de-training the cat, I would stand there and watch it do it's little pre-jump prancing moves, then LEAP...and I'd take a quick sidestep and watch it do a superman jump 6' down to the floor (didn't hurt the cat). It learned its way out of that habit in a week.
Wrasslin'/fighting with the cats didn't make them any less affectionate, they would still curl up in my lap when I was watching TV or otherwise vegging out, they were totally friendly unless I made the first move but then very willing participants.
MiracleManS does not.
so we took the lid off. Guess it should go back on.
As with everything else, some cats will like it, others simply don't.