So I made a thing.

I'm thinking about picking up a real modeling software license. To test my mettle, I tried doing a bottle opener in Google Sketchup. I couldn't get it exactly what I wanted, but I ended up with this key chain swag.

If you are interested in having something modeled (for 3D printing or otherwise) let me know.

If you are interested in having something modeled (for 3D printing or otherwise) let me know.
Note on the design:
What I would do if I were making this in a more useful program is make thin sections for looks, hollow out the hat, and make a lip to hole a bottle. Should be able to about halve the costs if I were doing this proper.
Its annoying to me that I can do this at work like its nothing, and at home I'm completely crippled without lack of tools. Hopefully I can get something done in the future ($5000 for the license) that looks more like I'm used to.
I've done a little freelance work using it. It's not bad, but it's not great, either. Their constraint system is pretty wimpy, and there's no option to build drawings - you kind of just have to take screenshots of shit.
By the way, people on craigslist are DYING for this shit right now. "3D PRINT ME THIS LOLOLOL" "I'LL PAY MONEY FOR YOU TO 3D DESIGN ME A PUPPY" and stuff. Most of the jobs are little couple-hour deals and as long as the finished product looks correct, they don't care how elegant your measurement formulas are (there's no lifetime on the design, they just want a companion cube) - leaving you free to simply do all the math on paper and bang out a quick product instead of inputting the relationships between measurements. Freelance work is awesome.
I'm watching the Cubify: Invent videos and it looks MUCH better than Sketchup. Seems like a decent compromise to Solidworks.
If I end up buying expensive software, I'd go with Pro/E or Solidworks since that is what I'm already familiar with. In my vision of things, if I can make this work, I wouldn't mind buying the expensive license if I got something decent out of it. Solidworks does some pretty amazing things.
For what I want, though, it LOOKS like Cubify: Invent would work great... AND its two orders of magnitude less than Solidworks.
His response? "I can't get the files to open!" again and again, he'd text and email and call, and I'd send new ones, or say 'try this,' etc. One day I finally asked him "what program are you opening the .FUN files with?"
"...program?" He didn't understand how simply double-clicking a file didn't open it - he'd never installed Invent in the first place, so his computer didn't know what the fuck a .fun file was. It would have been nice if I'd known he was completely computer illiterate, I would have sent him .stl files and been done with it.
I mean, you make a quick buck and it's fun to do, but interfacing with the client blows ass. Much better, I would think, to interface with engineering clients that have an idea as to the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground.
Droid Razr for comparison:
So I found out about OnShape yesterday and demo'd it at my AIAA rocketry club meeting last night. Short summary, if you're looking for good, free parametric solid modeling that handles like SolidWorks then you should try out OnShape. It works for all my hobbyist use cases.
And check out that sweet, sweet forum they have too.
I found today that OnShape pairs well with SimScale finite element analysis. It can do some fairly basic FEA if you need to quick check something but at present it doesn't have the full selection of boundary constraints and load profiles that I'm used to having. Still pretty useful though and you can't beat the price.