In honor of Bobby Tallorigin's new gainful employment...

I am giving away some Origin game keys:
I have, up for grabs:
Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box
Medal Of Honor
Mirror's Edge
Battlefield 3
C&C Red Alert 3
Post here a creative "congrats" to Bobby Biglol on his new position as community manager for the newly NOT-shittastic Origin (poem? song? drawing? limerick?) and post what game you want, and I will pick random winners in a couple of days.
We love you, Bobby!
Anyway bonne chance buddy!
But yeah, if Bobby can get that big puppy turned around, I'm all for it.
Origin: Now Cooking With Beer!
EDIT: Decided to go into MAN-UP Mode and just make the damn thing.
I was looking up Bobby's name on Google, saw this...
....and my finger slipped.
Also I feel compelled to add
*no purchase necessary to win. Origin is a product of Electronic Arts™ in Redwood Shores, California. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved. Team Fortress 2™ belongs to Valve Corporation and is not an EA product, nor is it available on Origin. Buy My Shit™
So I flipped a coin.
Heads for Hammy
Tails for Oni.
Oni, code's in your inbox.
See oni, you're not the only one unloved here. I'M GIVING AWAY FREE SHIT AND NOBODY RESPONDS
There once was a tall man named Bobby
He made company wide bankruptcy his hobby
But when the shit hit the fan
and he stood up against the man
Origin stood taller than Bobby
Whose loss of THQ could cause some to sob.
But lo and behold,
To EA and Origin he was sold,
And once again, the Tall One has a job!
I got "tails" from Prime...
His facial hair, abhor
Up north where he'll dwella
Smell his own farts and use 'hella'
Pumped EA gave a job to this fella
Please don't send anything, I just enjoy doing these stupid things.
Well, I -did- tell Bobby that he won if he actually got me to install Origin, so I guess since he lost his freebie card, I guess there's one thing he's gotta do now.
This was a Good Thread™
I'm in tears reading this, forgot how funny some of these were.
Also lol whoops, EA just had two record setting fiscal years in a row, and we're currently enjoying an all-time high for stock performance. Guess I need to work on my technique.
You're just playing the long game.