WoW relapse

Gentlemen and ladies,
A cabal of us are coming back to the game, at least for a little while. Do come play with us again, won't you?
We're on Alliance on Kel'Thuzad. The guild is Icrontic.
Most of us, from what I understand, are going for endgame content. If nobody else is down, I will happily organize raids. But I gotta catch up, myself...
A cabal of us are coming back to the game, at least for a little while. Do come play with us again, won't you?
We're on Alliance on Kel'Thuzad. The guild is Icrontic.
Most of us, from what I understand, are going for endgame content. If nobody else is down, I will happily organize raids. But I gotta catch up, myself...
Also should you so happen to have an Alliance toon on another server you can still play with them if you have them on your RealID/BattleTag list. Just no "normal" endgame raiding. They also plan on changing that in the next expansion.
I have no Alliance toons but I'm not above making any for the sake of playing with IC people. Regardless though add RahnalH102#1272 to your RealID/BattleTag list and I'll gladly help out my fellow Horde members, and be able to explain anything and everything to everyone regardless of faction. I'm 99% up to date on the game since I haven't undone my subscription since ... I forget.
I'm at Myrmidon#1899 .
If someone wants to resurrect me, is my email
edit: Ugh...I just realized my horde warrior has 0 things and 0 money, LOL! Time to get his 85 ass and work them banks and low level shit to equip up! LOL!
There should still be guild assets available there, as well as some materials. Before I shut my account down I managed to work the market and sell a great deal of our raiding materials while they were still valuable to net the guild some additional gold (somewhere around 20k is there, I believe).
Interesting memories you've just brought back Dan, I do miss what the Icrontic guild became at the height of Wrath of the Lich King - we had a great time and made some pretty decent progress considering our semi-casual approach. Cataclysm seemed to burn people out pretty quickly unfortunately, by the time I was able to return the guild had already mostly disbanded.
Who is tallying the "in" folks? Who is on that list?
If someone could throw guild officer at me so I could throw out invites, that'd be great. I don't want to get serious about scheduling YET, but I know from chatting on mumble there's a basic interest in scheduling real raid nights. For now, however, I'll keep a running tally of who's generally active in the guild. This isn't end-all, so just holler if I've missed you.
Currently, for playing in general
When we get serious about raiding, I'll make a new thread for that.