The Icrontic WoW 2014 discussion

We began playing World of Warcraft as a community some time around 2008 or 2009; I believe it was during an ICOK (Icrontic Oktoberfest) event that a bunch of people got together and bought WoW one drunken night, and a guild was born.
Originally a Horde guild on Tortheldrin, the ebb and flow of time brought us, in fits and starts, through several incarnations of the guild, and the glory days ended a couple of years ago with the bulk of the IC guild moved to Kel'Thuzad as an Alliance guild.
There have been a few attempts to reboot the guild but they all fell flat.
Well, we're trying it again. People have been rumbling and grumbling that we don't have a community-building game anymore. We just sort of spin our wheels on the same few games or go through spurts of excitement about a new game that a small group of people gravitate towards but burn out quickly. During the best days of the IC Guild, we had a blast.
So, here's what you need to know:
The guild is on Kel'Thuzad. The guild is Alliance. You really need to join us on Mumble as well. There's a badge too.
Let's do it!
Originally a Horde guild on Tortheldrin, the ebb and flow of time brought us, in fits and starts, through several incarnations of the guild, and the glory days ended a couple of years ago with the bulk of the IC guild moved to Kel'Thuzad as an Alliance guild.
There have been a few attempts to reboot the guild but they all fell flat.
Well, we're trying it again. People have been rumbling and grumbling that we don't have a community-building game anymore. We just sort of spin our wheels on the same few games or go through spurts of excitement about a new game that a small group of people gravitate towards but burn out quickly. During the best days of the IC Guild, we had a blast.
So, here's what you need to know:
The guild is on Kel'Thuzad. The guild is Alliance. You really need to join us on Mumble as well. There's a badge too.
Let's do it!
I had a pet cat named piddles and a gorilla named stinky. We roleplayed as bodybuilders in popular towns and sold useless ingame stuff for money. We rode dinosaurs and parked them on map glitches purposely. We stuntjumped off waterfalls for no reason.
You'll enjoy yourself.
Glad to see a renewed interest. I've been having fun in WoW - even solo. MoP 5-mans and raids have been lots of fun. The music in Pandaland is also great, so be sure to turn on sound!
I'll be around and can help out as needed. I have a Leatherworker, Engineer, Enchanter, Alchemist, and Jewelcrafter, and experience with all of the Pandaria content.
I -MIGHT- join up with you guys. I'd have to buy the games again though, considering I lost both of my accounts long ago to's absolutely horrid security.
I'll try out the trial on a new one and see if I can get back into it before the end of the week.
PS: Go Prime! I was primarily an Alliance player, myself.
The New Scroll of Resurrection
Players that successfully invite a friend to rejoin World of Warcraft will receive a Horde [Spectral Wind Rider] or a Alliance [Spectral Gryphon], while their friend receives:
One character instantly boosted to level 80
One free character move to the player's (that invited) faction/realm
A free upgrade to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
7 free days of game time
The returning player will also:
Have their bags replaced with 4 20-slot bags.
Have First-aid trained up to 450.
Have equipped one of the Cataclysm starting sets, exclusive to the Scroll of Resurrection system before Patch 5.3.0.
And have all previously worn gear, items that were in the bags, and your replaced bags mailed to the player.
Pandaren characters who have not yet chosen a faction (Alliance or Horde) are ineligible for the level boost. Monks are also ineligible, regardless of race.
So, PM me your email address joe and I'll send you a scroll
Those who had characters on the server or are willing to pay for the transfer are doing so.
Those who don't meet the above or want to relevel, are.
Since I had to make a new account and everytbing, I'm actually eligible for that Recruitment Bonus thing with one of you guys. Get a mount and levelling boosts and stuff. Who wants it?
I dunno if Barrens Chat is as bad as it used to be, but that ain't gonna stop me from uttering POWER WORD: CHUCK NORRIS every time I pass through and seeing what shakes out.