Happy New Beer!
Drunk French CanadianMontréal, Québec. Icrontian
in Food & Drink
Icrontic family, you all have been nothing but amazing. Shoulders to lean on, friends to laugh with, people that constantly remind you that you're worth more than gold when you're feeling down, everything anyone could really ask for in friends near and far. You all have been nothing shy of amazing and I just wanted to say Happy New Year and may everyone's 2014 be everything they need and a bit of what's wanted. Big to you IC family...I love all you amazing people!
kind regsard, the fiture!
Wish I could be there all, wish I'd found my bloody passport but Canada is as Canada does and Canada wasn't for entering America this time around.
I love you all, I'm sorry if my responses were disjointed or whatever I'm still making sense of words, but know that.
@Cola I promised to you that I will make it to an IC event and drink for the both of us whenever my schedule sees fit to allow it. (Though I'd like to keep what's left of my eyesight thank you) hope that you make it to another soon or as soon as dat Navy allows, and who knows I might actually be allowed to drink stateside next event we both meet up at.
Night all, and happy New Year wish I could be there in person but in spirit should suffice for now.