Reactivating my WoW Account

Installed my WoW starter last night and will be logging on in the next few days once I get the PC up Running. Question Is the Guild Horde or Alliance? And My WoW skills are pretty much Nill, I had a lvl 30 maybe 5 years ago. What should I choose for Class and race?
Guild is alliance on Kel'Thuzad. Pick a race that you thematically like. It is nearly impossible to tell you what class to play. Read the descriptions of them in-game and on various sites and pick one.
You should be a
space goat huntard.Terran marine.Basically you can choose a class based on what you think you'll like to do: Do you want to do lots of damage to monsters in raids? Do you want to heal people? Do you want to absorb damage and control the flow of the fight?
The most important thing I can stress is: Do something that you find fun. The good news is that leveling is pretty fast now, and you can tell pretty quickly whether or not you're going to enjoy the class... and it's not a big hardship to bail on that character and start a different one.
I had a Wizard ( thats how I got my name A gnome wizard In EQ ) But I think I rather Be A Tankish damage Dealer S far as Crafting I dont ever really have time for that
Tank-ish damage dealer sounds like a Death Knight, Warrior or Paladin. Also, Druids but fuck 3/4 gear sets
Death Knight or Paladin sounds up your alley
Thats the two classes I was leaning towards, Which is easier to learn for a N00b like myself
Almost all classes are similar enough "difficulty" to learn. Starting at zero, you'll get new skills added over time so you won't be overwhelmed. is a pretty great resource for learning how to play and/or tips for leveling up. is another resource but that is geared more towards top end.
I would probably rank easiest to hardest warrior, paladin, DK, but I haven't played warrior much and maybe I'm just scared by DK and familar with paladin.
I shall share what little I know, starting with the classes that seem to be up your alley:
I had a discussion about this with @SpencerForHire a very long time ago... his consensus (and I tend to share it) was that paladin is the easiest class to play out-of-the-box; however the potential to do ridiculous cross-role shit in raid and manage various targetable utility cooldowns make it an 'easy to play, hard to master' class. Pally DPS and tanking, however, is boring unless you're using these cooldowns... expect to not enjoy it unless you're PvPing, or unless you force yourself to use the 'weird' abilities. Pallyhealing is very fun. Obviously as a paladin enthusiast I'm probably biased.
@Aalonz does the same sort of ridiculous cross-role shit as a warrior, too, so I know it can be done pally-style. They seem PRETTY fun, tanking looks to be very active. That's 'bout all I got on warriors. Either he or @Ryder would be the authorities on this class.
All our DK authorities are pretty well gone, so there's a clear need in our group for
these damned dirty death-magic typesthem. If she ever shows up again, @ChAInMAIdeN can explain what makes them fun - I understand they have an interesting triple-resource they use. @Rexxar also has information about it. Both @Ryder and @TiberiusLazarus play a DK alt, though I'm not sure how confident they are with them.Hunter
My first class was a hunter. You have significantly less utility than a dual-spec class, but it's very newbie-friendly in the beginning and very fun. Pet management is automatic if you want to play easy mode, manual if you want to fine-tune your dps. DPSing in raids can be more challenging, which generally equates to more fun - 'focus' is a fickle resource to manage. You won't be a tanky class, however... although sometimes hunters gear themselves to allow their pet to tank for a few seconds.
IMO the most fun dps class - mostly because you are spamming buttons as fast as humanly possible. DPS as a rogue feels frenetic to me. You won't be tanky at all, though some rogues do manage to hold the boss's attention for a little while with their defensive cooldowns.
Very simple high-damage class. You don't need too much to optimize your dps, but you have very little raid-wide utility beyond remove curse, slowfall, and timewarp, and you're extremely squishy. Easy to learn, requires good reflexes (since you're so hasted). This is a facemelting specialist.
I know jack-shit about the rest of the classes, though I've started a monk alt - they are CRAZY fun. Paging @RahnalH102 or @AgentSheep for this one.
More and More I read Im liking the sound of a monk Do we have any on here?
I know 2/3 monk, tank and healing sides. Tanking on it is way fun and super easy to start. The DPSing is fun but not my cup of tea. (I don't like melee that much)
If you want to tank/dps I think monk is easier to pick up than pally.
And you throw kegs at people!
Still kinda tossing Monk and Rogue around, I know rouges aren't Tanky But I do like DPS
(Rogue. Rouge = red and also cheek makeup)
Actually since it's a common misspelling, it's kind of become a meme to write "rouge" instead of "rogue." It's even referenced in hearthstone (while searching for an opponent, one of the fake possibilities is "rouged up rogue")
Go monk. That way you'll have options if you don't like what you're doing. Rogues have no options, its dps only for them.
Monk It is. Now to A vid card and buy the expansions
I have key for vanilla thru Cata if you need it.
OMG That would be AMAZING!!!! I just created a Warrior Because I couldn't make a monk with the starter edition I have
Okay I have like 7 in my inbox so tell me if this doesn't work.
Thank You It worked great! Now to just get my hands on the 9800GT
Sorry was away at school for most of the day.
Monks: Highly mobile martial artists, that use their body and it's inner chi to deal damage and heal wounds. They have many abilities that both heal allies and damage enemies, and in my opinion is pretty easy to learn as many of the core abilities are shared through each specialization. Lots of utility and can perform every role including ranged dps, but only in certain situations (namely if you're a well geared healer monk). Though they have 2 resources (mana/energy + chi) they are easy to manage on this class. If you are a fan of Kung-Fu or any martial art, this class is for you.
Tanking: As a Brewmaster you mitigate damage through dodging, parrying, a health shield, the Stagger passive (which breaks up damage you take and deals it to you as a sort of self-imposed DoT,) and with self healing. Has many AoE abilities so is great at tanking many mobs. You will be running around, punching, kicking, throwing beer kegs and lighting the alcohol ridden enemies on fire. Your Ox Statue can place a shield on you or an ally.
I haven't done this at a high end raid level, but it's easy to learn and is quite effective.
DPS: As a Windwalker you'll be throwing powerful kicks and punches at a constant rate, dealing a strong and steady amount of damage. Looks cool and is fun to play. You don't have any real strong burst but make up for it in utility.
Probably the easiest of these specs to learn as there very little variation in the DPS rotation.
Healing: As a Mistweaver you'll either be throwing around healing mists to heal your allies or, again, punching and kicking enemies which will also heal your allies. The latter (affectionately dubbed "Fistweaving") is pretty weak in most situations, but should be much more viable once Warlords drops. Easy to learn and takes effort to master for higher level instances. I am most experienced at this spec and can easily help you out with questions and practice.
For Death Knights: (1 of my Horde 90s is a Blood/DPS Death Knight)
Burly undead that thrive in battle. Many similarities and obvious oppositions (there is a better word for this context but I can't think of it at the moment. tired.) to Paladins. Namely using a mix of spells and physical strength to protect themselves or allies, deal out the damage, or take tons of damage. They're 2 resources are relatively complex and add a significant level of mastery to the class.
Tanking: As a Blood Death Knight you'll need to manage your abilities properly so that your resources are always available but still in use. This way your mitigation is almost always up and keeping you nice and healthy. Since the DK's main mitigation has similar enemy based scaling like the all tank specs passive "Vengeance", Blood DK's can perform some great feats of survivability when properly utilized.
DPS 1: Frost spec is probably the easier DPS spec for the Death Knight as the rotation is pretty simple and the damage is easy for you to keep up. Resource management is also easier in this spec.
DPS 2: Unholy spec does great damage and can do the same amount as Frost. However the pet management, disease management, and many cooldowns (strong abilities that have a large usually 1 minutes + long cooldown attached to them) piled on in addition to the DK resource management, make it harder to maintain the optimal damage output.
Welcome back to WoW GnomeWizard!
I can't help but feel I'm being teased here... :P
Monk is a good call. I like mine quite a bit.
Keep in mind, if you choose DK, you'll need a toon at level 55 first. Not something that's an issue for an existing player, but if your account only had a level 30 on it, it may prove relevant.
I am going to start a monk soon as I sell my Win 8 Retail In unopened box I will Pre Order Warlord and upgrade to Panda ( am waiting on Paypal from a guy )
I haven't played paladin much. This is mostly observation. I also neglected to mention that DKs absorb more damage and are great anti-magic dudes. Paladin's have much more healing ability and have more general CC. Course this will all change somewhat for Warlords.
Wahoo! Just got the money from my sale of Windows 8 and bought Warlords so Ill have a 90 Character Monk
Lvl 90 Monk / Windwalker Name is Gundelin
Has anyone ginvited him yet?
I keep looking for him online and never see him. He' not on the guild list yet.
Naa Not yet, My vid card cant handle it ( 8 fps last night ) But my new 7770 is on truck for delivery so I will be on later on tonight or Tomm night, 3 kids makes a crazy schedule
I might be joining you @GnomeWizardd... I'm downloading WoW again (I haven't played since college and being unemployed means I have all the spare time!)