The Big E3 2015 Announcement Thread
- Xbox One will be backwards compatible with digital and physical Xbox 360 games this holiday season. 100 games will initially be supported, as Microsoft must validate each title against the 360 emulator they built to perform this backwards compatibility. Their goal is to expand to "hundreds" of titles.
- New Xbox Elite wireless controller. Adjustable hair triggers, four remappable rear paddles, swappable joystick geometries, swappable dpad. October @ $149 (barf).
- AAA GAMES: Star Wars: Battlefront, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Doom, Dishonored 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Fallout 4 (Nov10), PvZ Garden Warfare 2, Elder Scrolls Legends TCG, "Rare Replay" (30 classic Rare games in one box), Dark Souls 3 @Ilriyas, Rockband 4 (Oct6), Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (Aug25), Need For Speed, FF7 Remake, Shenmue 3 prints money, new Hitman.
- Console Fallout 4 can use PC mods.
- YouTube is developing a competitor to Twitch.
- Steam Early Access-like program coming to Xbox One: the Preview Program.
- Microsoft announces nebulous partnership with Valve for Windows 10 + VR. Microsoft previously attended a recent Oculus event, announcing that an Xbox One controller would come bundled with the Rift and that Xbone games could be streamed to a virtual room inside the Rift.
- New version of Minecraft specifically for Microsoft HoloLens. The game can be played on any flat surface available: tables, walls, floors, whatever. Cross-compatible with existing version of Minecraft.
- AMD announces a new family of GPUs in a livecast: the R 300 Series
Holy ducking butt ball ship
Minecraft HoloLens
Doom and Dishonored 2: Don't disappoint me.
I can't possibly be disappointed Dishonored 2. Thought the first one was a steaming pile o shit (relatively speaking).
You wouldn't possibly know more about #9, would you?
Everything there is to know.
But all of it will be broadcast live to the world tomorrow.
Go on....
The Mass Effect universe has landed in Utah.
really happy to see EA putting some $ at SWTOR
Pretty damn proud of our trailer reveals today.
this is kinda how I feel about Battlefront right now...
*Sometime in 2016...
The Jason Derulo song in the Ubi showcase was like a sudden flare-up of terminal IBS...
Dat Battlefront doh...
Final Fantasy VII Remake.
I don't care how many years later it is. The opening notes of that song still send chills down my spine
I'mma be dropping way too much money on FF7 ephemera.
Delicious co-op Missions gameplay from Battlefront:
The office is empty, it's just myself, Huskyhog, and Caylen. When that music started to chime, we were running around and screaming like a bunch of children. Man, what a moment.
So I see Square Enix decided it need to print more money, lol! Sadly, I know I will get the FF7 remake as well. Now if only they would do the same for FF6... :P
A wild Colgere appears!!
Gonna be "that guy", I didn't care for FF7, never made it much past the golden saucer.
I do like how they remade the the previous games for mobile, but 7 requires full next-gen HD.
Super Mario, Metroid, and Legend of Zelda all get new games this year or early next year.
Nintendo wins E3 without a press conference.
Nintendo was underwhelming...
WiiU Zelda is all I want to know about.
I totally disagree, @mertesn
Super Mario gets "Mario Maker". Boring. I don't even consider this a mario game.
Metroid gets what looks like a freakin' mobile game. "4-player coop cartoon metroid". Nope.
Legend of Zelda gets "Four was too tall so we decided three was a good number" multi-player co-op dungeon game. Nope.
None of these are core games. They are spin-offs.
I really, really wanted to see a current-gen Metroid or Metroid Prime game.
The only exciting game they showed was Starfox Zero. Mario & Luigi Paper Jam looks good, and Wooly World looks fun. Everything else was a total yawn.
They showed almost nothing for the WiiU which tells me that they're done with the platform. We'll see core Zelda, Mario, and Metroid games on NX, most likely this fall or at E32016.
NOOO!!! We haven't had a WiiU Zelda yet! They can't quit the platform without even one Zelda game!
I think that's exactly what they're going to do. Our Zelda game for WiiU was Windwaker HD