Mythic Dungeons - tonight 31 July

Anyone want to run 4 of these with me tonight?
Quest at the garrison (because of bonus weekend) to complete 4 Mythic Dungeons and you get a Heroic Hellfire Citadel item cache.
Anyone want to run 4 of these with me tonight?
Quest at the garrison (because of bonus weekend) to complete 4 Mythic Dungeons and you get a Heroic Hellfire Citadel item cache.
My mists or fists are in.
Sounds like a lot of fun. Have fun, guys.
Wish I could
Saturday night better? I mean the quest is the quest. We just have to complete 4 mythic dungeons by the end of the weekend.
It's possible but Saturday is usually sort of date-ish night and I get side-eye if I play WoW all seven days of the week, but it might be possible later at night.
Something worth noting is that Mythic dungeons are mechanically the same as Challenge Mode dungeons just without the time and ilvl restrictions. These are helpful if you want to do Challenge modes.
I may be around later tonight, or tomorrow before raid -- but tonight is kinda date night
I am sorry everyone. I made this thread and then I wasn't around
We were able to pull a small group together, so no worries. There's still time!
I need a couple more runs and I'll be on this evening before raid if anyone wants to jump in and/or help out