Icrontic throws in For the Horde

We did it with TF2. We did it with Left4Dead, we did it with WaR, and now we’re doing it with WoW.
Pigflipper, primesuspect, MasterbuilderK, and MiracleManS are starting an Icrontic guild on Tortheldrin (PvP). We are all low level right now (under 25) so we’re just getting started. Roll a new character on Tortheldrin (For the Horde!) and join us!
You may remember my 10 day trial blog. My trial experience sold me, and I started on Christmas Day so that I could play with my kids. Pigflipper decided that he wanted to play again, and rolled with me.
Of course, we need at least 10 people to sign the guild charter. I’m pretty sure we won’t have any trouble finding 10 Icrontians who want to start up a new character (or transfer an existing one).
If you do sign on to Tortheldrin, be sure to add Pigflipper, Kyly, Kethark, or Kaitolainen to your friends list, and one of us will track you down.
Icrontic throws in For the Horde
Pigflipper, primesuspect, MasterbuilderK, and MiracleManS are starting an Icrontic guild on Tortheldrin (PvP). We are all low level right now (under 25) so we’re just getting started. Roll a new character on Tortheldrin (For the Horde!) and join us!
You may remember my 10 day trial blog. My trial experience sold me, and I started on Christmas Day so that I could play with my kids. Pigflipper decided that he wanted to play again, and rolled with me.
Of course, we need at least 10 people to sign the guild charter. I’m pretty sure we won’t have any trouble finding 10 Icrontians who want to start up a new character (or transfer an existing one).
If you do sign on to Tortheldrin, be sure to add Pigflipper, Kyly, Kethark, or Kaitolainen to your friends list, and one of us will track you down.
Icrontic throws in For the Horde
The first play is always free, junkie. Now you gotta pay to play.
I miss Halas.
Your new-fangled Qeynos ain't shit compared to the OG Qeynos.
Edit: Playing as Orc Warrior Muragerg
I feel so dirty.
Old Guy Qeynos? Overly Gay Qeynos? Oligarchy Guided Qeynos? What are you talking about?
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