ICMC: Outlands Claims
Use this thread to request Outland plots. Please post coords and as many details about your claim as possible. Staking a claim sets the land aside for you. The more you mark the land, the better chance that someone won't mistake your land for general wilderness. While it is not common for our players to run around and break stuff, we have many players that like to explore and mine. That said, make sure to mark any areas that you don't wish other players to mine (marking an entrance to a cave is fine, but keep in mind there may be other entrances).
Purposefully destroying anything that is obviously player-created or has been marked not to mine will be considered griefing and will be treated as such.
When making a claim, make sure to go through this thread and be proactive about if you are trying to claim someone else' land. It will be assumed that you pre-checked this thread to make sure the land is available before posting here when considering your claim. (I am continually working on getting an easier way to view the claims)
I really look down on filling in water. That's not to say it is not allowed, but it would need a good reason and will most likely not be allowed withing 250 blocks or so of Spawn/Town/ICCastle/ICFarms. The water gets used for travel along with adding to the scenery of some claims. When making a claim involving water building you need to make sure to specify this.
A screenshot from Overviewer of your land is very much appreciated (but still not necessary). This goes for current claims and new requests.
I request that people put corner stones on their plots with a sign with the X:Z on it and suggest that a wall or some sort of barrier is built around it.
Current Claims:
*Work in progress*
Just because something is not listed, doesn't mean it is not claimed. It just means I haven't got it up here yet. As always, Do not build in the Outlands without a confirmed claim.
Purposefully destroying anything that is obviously player-created or has been marked not to mine will be considered griefing and will be treated as such.
When making a claim, make sure to go through this thread and be proactive about if you are trying to claim someone else' land. It will be assumed that you pre-checked this thread to make sure the land is available before posting here when considering your claim. (I am continually working on getting an easier way to view the claims)
I really look down on filling in water. That's not to say it is not allowed, but it would need a good reason and will most likely not be allowed withing 250 blocks or so of Spawn/Town/ICCastle/ICFarms. The water gets used for travel along with adding to the scenery of some claims. When making a claim involving water building you need to make sure to specify this.
A screenshot from Overviewer of your land is very much appreciated (but still not necessary). This goes for current claims and new requests.
I request that people put corner stones on their plots with a sign with the X:Z on it and suggest that a wall or some sort of barrier is built around it.
Current Claims:
Mitey Worriers
632, 744
632, 1244
1132, 744
1132, 1244
centered on 650, -75Basil
The corners of our plot are
900, -325
900, 175
400, 175
400, -325
-450, -125
-450, -25
-575, -125
-575, -25
x 287,
z -739
x 156
z -653
"liberty island"Crazy Joe
Icrontic StadiumMr-Triot
Around x-750, z-215CannonFodder
-725, -190
-775, -240
CaptainMoustache, Loanstarr, and Gorzo
[-900, -1200]
[-1000, -1200]
[-900, -1350]
[-100, 1350]
[828, 1575]RahnalH102
(X: -341, Z: 1449)
(X: -341, Z: 1221)
(X: -104, Z: 1221)
(X: -104, Z: 1449)
Approximately at X: -256 to -512, Y: 20 to 200.
approx: -1790, -1700
Approximate locations are X:1630, Z: -1285 to X:1780, Z: -1140BENDER
BENDER said:
*Work in progress*
Just because something is not listed, doesn't mean it is not claimed. It just means I haven't got it up here yet. As always, Do not build in the Outlands without a confirmed claim.

This discussion has been closed.
Now, we could just require everyone keep a list of the claimed territories and keep their debug screen open while they walk around, but that's balls. I can barely stand to have the debug screen open as it is, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who would find this too much of a chore to want to even bother wandering around anymore.
So, alternatively, I'm proposing that there be a strong suggestion made for people to mark their boundaries clearly, possibly with fences, signs, and torches reasonably spaced out, especially if they want to prevent activity on their claim. At least a sign at each corner so we can see it on the map.
And my mining underneath it I expect to reach the extents.
Okay, I did some exploring to get the map to spawn, and I think I'm going to alter the coordinates a bit after the new map loads tomorrow. It's gonna be the same approximate area, but I'm gonna tighten it down a bit to include less water and be more a contiguous piece of land. I'll post it tomorrow afternoon/evening.
The red is what I'd /like/ to have, but I realize it's MASSIVE.
To pare that down if necessary, what my heart's really set on is the pineywood snow biome Great White North region, plus what's outlined in blue below it as a bit of land to bring the road into a station and build a home-on-a-hill at. The stuff on the left (note the signs I put down) is a nifty highlands area with some cool features, and the area in yellow is an underground bit we set up a camp in with the intent of basing out of it from time-to-time.
TBH, I'm really not interested in this land for building anything or for stripping the surface or anything. If the majority of that snow biome were public, very-limited-surface-build (think shelters...basically what non-claimed land is being used for already) land, that'd be fine with me too. That's essentially what I'd be doing with it anyway. I would probably build an ice castle in there somewhere (like that big lake area), and I definitely want to put in some stuff in that grassland, but I'm more interested in having that beautiful woodland (and some of that highland) to wander around in and occasionally harvest wood from, and the depths below it (mainly near that yellow bit) to mine in a bit.
I also plan to give joint control of whatever I end up with to those who went and scoped it out with me. The game just isn't any fun if you're not sharing.
[-900, -1200]
[-1000, -1200]
[-900, -1350]
[-100, 1350]
We only need surface and up, and underground rights in that desert claim are negligible.
Also now that the sky limit is being raised in 1.2, I only need a 50x50 plot for what I need near town, or even better if it can fit in an 'expansion lot' part of town and be part of town itself. I'd like to officially put in a request for that as well, and have no preference as to what kind of terrain it is on.
This is kind of what it covers.
I will be taking the time (hopefully tonight) to update this thread with the current claims so it will be a lot easier for others to find open claims.
Yes I know I have said this before. I love you guys and your patience.
Mine On!
If there is a claim that is not listed, let me know here and I will get it in the OP.
I seem to have an issue getting the Quotes to work in the OP (show who's claim it is), If I can't figure it out, I'll use a different method.
730, -1220
I would like to spruce it up and grow the NPC population.
My original claim of
x 287,
z -739
x 156
z -653
beginning at the map where that piece of flattened land starts is now registering as x 76 z 141 and ending at x 275 z 331 (I think, my personal orientation is completely off the landmarks I originally used aren't viewable from the current rotation)
On that note with the new update I have more tools to play around with in my grid map of what my manor house will be. (Still need a whole lotta slimeballs though)
X-950 Z-860
X-1050 Z-980
X-980 Z-1050
Kind of a large plot to ask for, but it's so far out of the way I don't think anyone would mind; However if it does bother you I wouldn't mind shrinking it down to the two larger of the four that is in the left side of the asked plot.
Although now that I look at it that baseball field is bigger than that
Using this land to build a grinder
Gorzo I'm looking into.
I'm still searching for a solution to tracking these other than graph paper and brain power.... it hurts.
I would like to claim this spot along side SCLisi
X -2421 Z -799 is the center of the claim but as you can see the map has not completly generated so dont have exact perimeters of claim
We were thinking maybe a 500x500 claim
Would also like to claim a 100x100 outland plot as a natural preserve, with the following corners;
-1300, -1050
-1200, -1050
-1300, -950
-1200, -950
Found this. It's a pretty awesome "maw of hell" kind of cave entrance. Want it kept safe.