ICMC: The Expansion I

Here it is. Res still 21x21. Res roads 5 wide. Ind still 35x35 with 10 wide roads. I started laying the cornerstones with orange wool if anyone feels up for clearing. The three ind plots on the end are reserved for ships and are allowed to go out 70 blocks in the water (35 blocks past their plot).
@D3k0y you you can expand your ship up to 35 more blocks if you wish.
Everyone Still need to reserve the plots through this thread. Request here and I will approve here.

This discussion has been closed.
Pun unintended.
Anyways, I took out all the sand I could find on the town side of the wall, and a lot under it. I'll want to get a nice pickaxe before I bother working on all that stone and sandstone, though.
But we would also like to request an industrial plot that is apart of the old wall. We have the idea of building an Icrontic Bar/Pub/Club for potions and parties. Nate's already got a pretty cool design going in a single-player world.
ADMINEDIT1: if so i would like to request one of each
ADMINEDIT2: i would be more than willing to help with the expansion
This leaves the next row of residential plots Wall Plots. The Wall goes pretty close to right down the center of these. If there are 4 peeps that want to claim these and make awesome things out of the wall then we can assign them. the other option being use those four plots similar to the park in front of spawn and have a community build to snaz the wall up. I would like to hear everyone's opinions and ideas on that.
Any continued clearing that anyone wants to do out that direction is much appreciated. Either leave any materials directly under The Wall or extend it down with cobble on both sides. Any connecting roads should have ornate tunnels through leaving 5x5 clear above the road as always.
Note to Self - FG-0 should be Weezer/NateDog not Capone.
I started putting up a simple 1x2 cobble wall around the far side. If you feel like doing some clearing, it will be act as a guide to what needs clearing.