Going to be on tonight to play some if anyone else wants to join. I'm super rusty right now though. I'll be on around 7pm Central and then at 9pm Central I will be heading over to the TF2 server for the new season of League of Extraordinary Icrontians
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
I want to play with, but I feel that at my current level of skill and understanding that I would just be dead weight no matter who I'm playing with. Once I get more practice in and get comfortable with a few heroes then I'll feel better about it.
I really wonder if I should try at all with these team games. One of my biggest peeves of all time is people not having fun because of me; whether it is true or just what I perceive the situation to be. When I feel that that is the case I get really mad at myself. So I strive to be the best I can be on team games and generally end up playing alone in the name of "practice." In LoL for example, 1200 AI games & ~60 PvP games. Too nice when I don't need to be, and it's hard to undo when it's been baked in for over a decade.
It's something you can overcome eventually, just need to realize everyone makes mistakes including yourself. That makes me a very forgiving player in just about any game. The first game I played today was as a sand king and I got flamed by just about everybody. "SK stun!" "Dude wtf use your stun!" "Omg this sk plz guys let's surrender". At the end of the game I just said, "yeah guys that game was my fault" even though it really was everyone's fault. The next game I played a nice Windranger game and led the team in assists. And that kind of in game experience is what will lead you to being a better player in the end.
In the dota games we played together I never thought of any teammates as dead weight, because as long as you learn something from each game it's perfectly fine. Losing is a very learning filled experience as long as you remember to treat it that way.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
Dat music
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
So now there are only 5 heroes left to revamp. I wonder who will be next, and will all new ones be made afterwords?
Here is a match where my friends and I thought we had lost only 15 mins in since we were down 0-13 kills by that point. We were gonna goof off since we were failing hard, but after some hard turtling...
Match ID: 602710988 If you want to take a look. (I was the jakiro)
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
Dragon Knight is surprisingly beast mode late game. Played a game with my 12 year old nephew. He's played maybe 20 games of dota 2, ended up dying 32 times during the game but managed to hold the base until myself (DK) and our Timbersaw became basically unkillable.
Aoe frost slow crit damage is pretty strong late game.
Yeah dragon knight is actually a monstrosity late game. He just can't be killed. He just keeps right clicking away. Their team is terrible super late game. They have nothing to compete with dragon knight OR drow for that matter. You just had to survive their TERRIFYING mid-game / early late-game.
Cancer Lancer: The Fun Killer. Although I think abbadon is also a fun killer...but he's also bad, so I don't know why he's even in the game except to annoy the shit out of pub games.
I really wonder if I should try at all with these team games. One of my biggest peeves of all time is people not having fun because of me; whether it is true or just what I perceive the situation to be. When I feel that that is the case I get really mad at myself. So I strive to be the best I can be on team games and generally end up playing alone in the name of "practice." In LoL for example, 1200 AI games & ~60 PvP games. Too nice when I don't need to be, and it's hard to undo when it's been baked in for over a decade.
In the dota games we played together I never thought of any teammates as dead weight, because as long as you learn something from each game it's perfectly fine. Losing is a very learning filled experience as long as you remember to treat it that way.
Thought I'd link this here in case anyone possibly missed it.
Well done documentary about the first International and 3 player's perspectives of what it takes to play this game professionally.
Here is a match where my friends and I thought we had lost only 15 mins in since we were down 0-13 kills by that point. We were gonna goof off since we were failing hard, but after some hard turtling...

Match ID: 602710988 If you want to take a look. (I was the jakiro)
The comebacks!
Dragon Knight is surprisingly beast mode late game. Played a game with my 12 year old nephew. He's played maybe 20 games of dota 2, ended up dying 32 times during the game but managed to hold the base until myself (DK) and our Timbersaw became basically unkillable.
Aoe frost slow crit damage is pretty strong late game.
Yeah dragon knight is actually a monstrosity late game. He just can't be killed. He just keeps right clicking away. Their team is terrible super late game. They have nothing to compete with dragon knight OR drow for that matter. You just had to survive their TERRIFYING mid-game / early late-game.
Compendium released for TI4
So stoked.
Yay I'm not months late for this one this time!
These compendium goals are just flying by. Over $1 million added to the prize pool already, jeebus.
I need a compendium
Yeah I actually nabbed tickets for this years International. TI4 in Seattle, HERE I COME!
Some kind of prison convention!?!
I'm such a sucker for hype. Since The International 4 started I've actually been playing as well as spectating and am getting better.
prize pool is at nearly $6 million now. That's just insane.
And in about 10 days all the stretch goals have been met.
Just to put how big the prize pool is into a little perspective.
Did they have to use Cancer Lancer in the graph though!? NOOOOO
Cancer Lancer: The Fun Killer. Although I think abbadon is also a fun killer...but he's also bad, so I don't know why he's even in the game except to annoy the shit out of pub games.