2015 Icrontic Events
It's that time of year when we announce our schedule so folks can get yer plannin' done.
At the height of the Icrontic calendar in 2009, we had NINE all-weekend events in a single year. Well, @primesuspect and I aren't under-employed bachelors these days, so that's a bit much. Since moving to the Sullivan House, we've started doing impromptu Sunday afternoon/night events during the year as less stressful affairs, but we're often not very good about announcing them far enough in advance.
For 2015, we're taking the best of both worlds and making something better.
Every classic event that ever got a name returns for a total of NINE at ICHQ once more (plus our TWO away events), but only the core 4 (St Paddy, Expo, Oktoberfest, & New Years) will be all-weekend events at ICHQ. The rest will be reborn as official, scheduled-in-advanced Sunday shindigs.
I lied. We're adding a new weekend event: IC Commune Labor. One weekend in April, anyone who wants to come help work on the house, we're going to have projects lined up. The Sullivan House ain't done yet! We'd rather do 1 official one than keep asking all year. Also, this is the only non-BYOB event - drinks on us.
So that's a record TEN official events at ICHQ, including FIVE weekends.
❄ Winterblast (#ICWB - Sunday 3pm til late) (4th)
18 Jan 2015
Gaming day.
♥ Icrontic VD - (#ICVD - Sunday 3pm til late) (4th)
15 Feb 2015
Gaming day. No, not a movie marathon this time.
🍀 St. Paddy's & Marche Du Nain Rouge (#ICSP - 8th Annual Weekend)
20-22 March 2015
Costumed march & revelry thru Detroit Sunday morning.
☭ Commune Labor (#ICCL 1st Annual Weekend)
10-11 April 2015
Come help us fix up ICHQ for the weekend - food & drinks provided. Really, stop by any weekend in April to help.
🍖 Meatfeast (#ICMF - Sunday 3pm til late) (5th)
23 May 2015
Our big annual BBQ.
🎪 Expo Icrontic (#EPIC - 12th Annual Week)
24-28 June 2015
The big one! Scheduled events from Wednesday night to Sunday morning.
🎉 Summer Shindig (#ICSS - Sunday 3pm til late) (7th)
16 Aug 2015
Gaming day.
🎭 Rennfest (#ICRENN - 6th Annual Weekend)
4-6 Sept - East Coast
Maryland Renaissance Faire.
🍺 Oktoberfest (#ICOK - 9th Annual Weekend)
30 Oct - 1 Nov 2015
Costume party Saturday night.
🍗 TurkeyLAN (#ICTK - 5th Annual)
TBA - West Coast - Unconfirmed
Computers and feasting.
⚙ Decemberween (#ICDW - Sunday 3pm til late) (2nd)
6 Dec 2015
Steampunk gaming day.
🎊 New Years Blast (#ICNY - 8th Annual Weekend)
31 Dec 2015 - 3 Jan 2016
Champagne and stuff.
In for ICSP, EPIC, and ICOK at the very least.
edit: Also ICTX for sure and maybe ICNY
@linc: Please add = Icrontic TX (#ICTX -2nd annual)
April TBA date
Kayaking, BBQ, hiking, swimming and so much more!
ALSO, in for ICOK, ICSP, EPIC and hopefully ICNY
in for ICCL. will also try to schedule my eventual road trip home (to cali) so that i can go to one of the other events.
I'll let you guys know. You know...travel time and all that.
So, to make sure I understand, the Sunday events are encouraged to be Sunday events, not show up on Friday events.
I don't think that's necessarily encouraged. They can be weekenders.
Yeah, I don't care if you wanna come for the weekend, just expect it to be a very chill time until Sunday. I may be otherwise occupied by something like a house project.
Shh, don't scare them away from my carefully laid traps.
Doesn't matter what I say. You're the only one who can hear me...
Read more Icrontic if you want to get the in-jokes. http://icrontic.com/discussion/99202/the-legend-of-korra-looks-freaking-sweet#latest
I'm going to miss Expo again
Ready your women
I know it is work labor, but I read it like we are timing pregnancy labor in a communal fashion
We're birthing a house.
And a baby gladiator arena shortly afterwards.
@linc BUMP please add
Icrontic TX (#ICTX -2nd annual)
April TBA date
Hmmm, ICSP...maybe?
I am setting my sights on an event before the start of Summer. Which ever one works out best timing wise.
REALLY trying for ICSP and Epic next year. Along with Rennfest and ICOK being my "must" events.
Come ice skate with me in Campus Martius during ICWB!
By the powers invested in me by the People's Republic of Icrontic, I pronounce this schedule Icrontexasized.
I should host an official event here in Oklahoma... Too bad ICOK is taken
ICY Icrontic Yukon!
Would anyone have interest in going to Banff National Park in early to mid-june, just before expo? We'll call it IcrontiCanada.
i have a question about Icrontic Halloween Costume contest...i have a great (secret) costume project in mind, but i dont know if i will be able to go to Detroit for the event...can i enter it remotely? liiike, if i had some kickass video documentation of the build???
We don't usually have a contest, just a costume party.
oh...i may not have properly remembered a conversation with @thrax about a costume party(which i thought was a contest due to his secrecy about his costume.) well, perhaps i will just show everyone my (still secret) costume around that time, though i certainly hope to be able to attend the party IRL. the pictures i saw earlier this year made me really want to go.
Lots of people do not say anything about their costumes until they show up, but there isn't a contest. You can certainly take pics and post remotely
No contest, but costumes are SUPAR SEKRIT.