Games just ended. My room made it just short of 150k. I watched for the last few minutes, and levels were going by too fast for me to even click on things.
I got into a Reddit room. 140K at 15 min. I hope it will pan out.
YOWH will announce their rooms at about 11am Pacific. Will switch if I can. Hit me up on Steam if you need help at all.
Edit: I am going to visit some family today. Will be going AFK at about 11am Pacific. Will be back some hours later. I've decided to stay in room 48295 for the long haul. Currently at 362K at 32 minutes in. Since it is a publicly announced Reddit room, it has a very strong chance of getting to 100mil in the next 22.5 hours.
Reddit's attempt today involves a Chrome extension that does everything for you including autojoin. If it works, it's the perfect solution to get as many "active" players in as possible.
9:26 am - The current status is "Waiting for rooms"
I'll hit 2 Trillion* gold here shortly.
Edit: Trillion, not Billion. 2,000B, 2 Trillion.
Awwww my room has really slowed down I'll probably only make it halfway to 100,000,000 if that.
I think I am in a good room. Room 47734. Was at ~3500 and jumped to 7800+ with the script showing 15 wormholers in here.
Using this script if anyone wants to bring those sweet sweet holes my way.
Difficult to abandon a level 70000 room for 10000ish but eff it. Take all of my sweet holes digi, they are yours. :3
I am saving my holes for some one room special.
I lied earlier.
For the unfamiliar, that is the Kill Screen at 100,000,000. Karma got in on one of the Reddit rooms and rode it to the end.
Huge congrats @Karma!
Games just ended. My room made it just short of 150k. I watched for the last few minutes, and levels were going by too fast for me to even click on things.
I got into a Reddit room. 140K at 15 min. I hope it will pan out.
YOWH will announce their rooms at about 11am Pacific. Will switch if I can. Hit me up on Steam if you need help at all.
Edit: I am going to visit some family today. Will be going AFK at about 11am Pacific. Will be back some hours later. I've decided to stay in room 48295 for the long haul. Currently at 362K at 32 minutes in. Since it is a publicly announced Reddit room, it has a very strong chance of getting to 100mil in the next 22.5 hours.
Good luck everyone!
Ended up in 48403. At 742,500 after 1:23:00. Let's see how this goes!
The yetti has light up nipples.
If I wanted to play some buggy POS I'll go to Early Access, not Steam sale minigames.
Reddit's attempt today involves a Chrome extension that does everything for you including autojoin. If it works, it's the perfect solution to get as many "active" players in as possible.
9:26 am - The current status is "Waiting for rooms"
I did it!
Imgur Gallery here:
We pulled of an 18million level jump
And the money shot
The final warp (2,057,101 Levels)
Skip to ~3:50 for the killscreen.
The Internet Points were with me today.
100000000 scoreboard
Karma x2
Digi x1
Congrats also to @Farge & @CaptainMoustache for both making 100mil.
CaptainMoustache actually ended up in the same room as I was.
Any other Icrontians make it?