Thank the force Colin Trevorrow has been removed from episode IX. Who thought it was a good idea to hire a guy who managed to make a bad film with an unlimited dinosaur budget and a leading man fresh off a film everyone loved? Seriously, who at Disney thought.... "let's hire the guy who ruined Star-Lord meets the man eating dinosaurs?"
I'm not kidding, I had very real anxiety about his selection to direct episode IX. I'm relieved that someone else will get the chance to bookend this trilogy.
For me Jurassic World is nearly as awful as Man of Steel. It's like handing wonderful source material to someone that doesn't really respect it.
To me, a Star Wars film is a massive responsibility. If you don't have the absolute utmost respect for it's legacy you have no business touching it. Jurassic World was like this guy woke up and said, okay, how do we make this cool, relevant, get it so the kids will get into it... okay, the main characters they are just like self absorbed me generation millennials!!! If I am watching a film with constant peril and I hate the Hero, and ultimately all I want is for the Hero to get eaten... How effective is that? I don't want that guy to get anywhere near Star Wars. You think a less hip slightly disconnected George Lucas was a problem? At least he cared, at least he understood the fundamentals of telling a good vs. evil fantasy story. Colin Trevorrow is evil!
@Cliff_Forster said:
For me Jurassic World is nearly as awful as Man of Steel. It's like handing wonderful source material to someone that doesn't really respect it.
To me, a Star Wars film is a massive responsibility.
If only George Lucas felt the same way, the prequels might have been tolerable.
@Cliff_Forster said:
For me Jurassic World is nearly as awful as Man of Steel. It's like handing wonderful source material to someone that doesn't really respect it.
To me, a Star Wars film is a massive responsibility.
If only George Lucas felt the same way, the prequels might have been tolerable.
Lucas cared a great deal. The prequels did not re capture the magic of many a childhood, but they are mostly good films. Flawed, a bit too busy, too in love with the CGI, Jar Jar has ten minutes too many, but when you consider all six films they are a pretty incredible piece of fantasy fiction. I like the prequels, honestly, I think a ton of people do, it's just not fashionable to admit it on the internet.
I was super-hyped about Episode 1. The trailers and the media surrounding everything were fantastic. The poster with Anakin casting the Darth Vader shadow on the hut was (and still is) epic. But it just didn't work like a Star Wars movie. Everything that worked in the original trilogy fell flat in the prequels. I desperately wanted them to be good movies as much as anyone, but they simply weren't. Especially in the ways that made the originals so great. They all had their campy moments and obvious special effects, but the overall treatment of the stories just feels so much tighter in the originals. Where the originals were campy, the prequels were silly. Where the over-the-top special effects in the originals were "WHOA!", in the prequels they were "wow, that's ridiculous".
The 2002 Special Editions of the original trilogy is all you need to see to know where Lucas' vision drifted from the original movies at release. His further insistence that the SE is the final version is just more nails in the coffin.
The article
Hmm, new background image at home, methinks.
5 Months GET HYPE!
Sooo hype #justboughtstarwarstrivialpursuit
Wow Jackie. Scooped me on Icrontic after I shared the video with her. That's what I get for hitting play before posting on IC.
I'm not crying, you're crying.
I think everyone just got hit in the feels.
FFFFs, those posters. I can't even.
Real talk, after I finished watching the video I just like "I'm crying? Why am I crying! Are you crying??"
Red everywhere, it's kind of curious. A purposeful choice for thematic reasons?
(changing subject so we can all stop crying)
Color theming has always been a big thing in movies, so I'm going to go with yes.
As to the meaning behind it, we'll only know in December.
apology for poor english
when were you when Brain dies?
i was sat at work drinking beanwater when forum post read
'Brian is kill'
remove to me this shit of mail list
Thank the force Colin Trevorrow has been removed from episode IX. Who thought it was a good idea to hire a guy who managed to make a bad film with an unlimited dinosaur budget and a leading man fresh off a film everyone loved? Seriously, who at Disney thought.... "let's hire the guy who ruined Star-Lord meets the man eating dinosaurs?"
I'm not kidding, I had very real anxiety about his selection to direct episode IX. I'm relieved that someone else will get the chance to bookend this trilogy.
I liked Jurassic World.
It would've been better if they'd just gone all-in and let Star-Lord bareback on a velociraptor.
Not sure if trolling or not?
Let me put it this way, Laura Dern elbow deep in triceratops shit... That scene was better than anything in Jurassic World.
Oh, I definitely enjoyed Jurassic Park better by far, but I did enjoy Jurassic World. I thought it was better than Jurassic Park III.
For me Jurassic World is nearly as awful as Man of Steel. It's like handing wonderful source material to someone that doesn't really respect it.
To me, a Star Wars film is a massive responsibility. If you don't have the absolute utmost respect for it's legacy you have no business touching it. Jurassic World was like this guy woke up and said, okay, how do we make this cool, relevant, get it so the kids will get into it... okay, the main characters they are just like self absorbed me generation millennials!!! If I am watching a film with constant peril and I hate the Hero, and ultimately all I want is for the Hero to get eaten... How effective is that? I don't want that guy to get anywhere near Star Wars. You think a less hip slightly disconnected George Lucas was a problem? At least he cared, at least he understood the fundamentals of telling a good vs. evil fantasy story. Colin Trevorrow is evil!
If only George Lucas felt the same way, the prequels might have been tolerable.
Lucas cared a great deal. The prequels did not re capture the magic of many a childhood, but they are mostly good films. Flawed, a bit too busy, too in love with the CGI, Jar Jar has ten minutes too many, but when you consider all six films they are a pretty incredible piece of fantasy fiction. I like the prequels, honestly, I think a ton of people do, it's just not fashionable to admit it on the internet.
Your argument is invalid.
Yes... that sucks too.
I was super-hyped about Episode 1. The trailers and the media surrounding everything were fantastic. The poster with Anakin casting the Darth Vader shadow on the hut was (and still is) epic. But it just didn't work like a Star Wars movie. Everything that worked in the original trilogy fell flat in the prequels. I desperately wanted them to be good movies as much as anyone, but they simply weren't. Especially in the ways that made the originals so great. They all had their campy moments and obvious special effects, but the overall treatment of the stories just feels so much tighter in the originals. Where the originals were campy, the prequels were silly. Where the over-the-top special effects in the originals were "WHOA!", in the prequels they were "wow, that's ridiculous".
The 2002 Special Editions of the original trilogy is all you need to see to know where Lucas' vision drifted from the original movies at release. His further insistence that the SE is the final version is just more nails in the coffin.
For reference, the awesome poster:

An interesting video that poses a decent theory on why EpI feels so strange:
Oh man. The what if they were good series on the prequels is fantastic.