colapart legend, part devil... all manBalls deepIcrontian
I'm reinstalling this game for redemption at EPIC. I don't expect to become an aficionado at this, but I'm interested in casually re-breaking in to the game.
@cola said:
I'm reinstalling this game for redemption at EPIC. I don't expect to become an aficionado at this, but I'm interested in casually re-breaking in to the game.
@cola@drasnor and anyone else that might be getting back into the game, this video is a great wrap up on a lot of the game mechanics and different ways you can play:
Alright everyone, what's the last Pokemon you caught that you were stoked when you saw it and made your day when you caught it?
This guy is my second shiny Ho-oh. He's 91% IV and he's weather boosted (caught at level 25). While he's technically outclassed by a handful of other 'mon, I'm stoked to power him up and use him for a general DPSer.
@BobbyDigi said:
This guy is my second shiny Ho-oh.
I didn't even know there were shiny Ho-oh. I've only beat 3 Ho-oh raids and captured 2. It's also been the hardest one for me to catch. The two I did catch are from my last ball that I threw in rage and disgust, and they just happened to work.
@UPSLynx said:
Sorry if I'm trash and I'm not finding it (looked in 4 threads to find the info on this with no luck) but what day/time is this even gonna happen?
I'm in regardless, just curious.
Saturday June 23 10am - Meet on the porch (9:55) .. are you subscribed to the Icrontic Google calendar? All events are on there.
@drasnor said:
I made level 19 today. I find that I am low on balls much of the time; poke stops drop like one or two a piece.
Getting a Go+ made this much easier for me. I have it connected any time I go anywhere. If you get one of the third party ones you don't even have to press the button to spin. It's great as a lot of stops are at intersections where you slow down or stop naturally and also gets steps for your eggs and buddy in Vancouver-like slow-ass rush hour traffic.
Also if you frequent the same gyms and work up to gold status (each raid gets you 1000 xp towards the 30k you need for gold) this means 3 extra items per spin, plus 1 if it's your colour.
Another thing we often do is have lunch at triple stops every so often. Spin every 5 mins to stock up. If you have a Go+ you can also avoid being tempted into catching as you spin so you actually save some of the stuff you gather for later.
Oh and definitely hit the streaks by spinning at least once per day!
@Massalinie said:
Getting a Go+ made this much easier for me. I have it connected any time I go anywhere. If you get one of the third party ones you don't even have to press the button to spin. It's great as a lot of stops are at intersections where you slow down or stop naturally and also gets steps for your eggs and buddy in Vancouver-like slow-ass rush hour traffic.
RealTalk. The 3rd party device is called a Gotcha. While auto catch and spin is tempting (not available on Go+ without modding), personally I like to play the game and not let it play for me.
Also if you frequent the same gyms and work up to gold status (each raid gets you 1000 xp towards the 30k you need for gold) this means 3 extra items per spin
Leveling up Gyms and spinning them is a great way to get extra items. You level up a gym by almost any interaction with it. Spinning, battling, placing a defender in, feeding berries, and as stated, raiding.
plus 1 if it's your colour.
That's racist.
Another thing we often do is have lunch at triple stops every so often. Spin every 5 mins to stock up. If you have a Go+ you can also avoid being tempted into catching as you spin so you actually save some of the stuff you gather for later.
Whether you are collecting items, catching for XP or Stardust, or leveling gyms (raids or battles), it is never a bad idea to grind. When you are able to passively grind, all the better!
Oh and definitely hit the streaks by spinning at least once per day!
More #RealTalk. Spin a Stop/Gym, catch a Pokemon, and do a research task every day to maximize those streaks. 7 Day Streak spin will gain you an evolution item and 7 days research will gain you, among other rewards, a legendary Pokemon! (currently through June, Articuno)
More #RealTalk. Spin a Stop/Gym, catch a Pokemon, and do a research task every day to maximize those streaks. 7 Day Streak spin will gain you an evolution item and 7 days research will gain you, among other rewards, a legendary Pokemon! (currently through June, Articuno)
I forgot about the research until I did mine this morning and got 20 balls for the final task :-D Delete the hard ones and queue them up so you don't have to think about it every day (you only get one stamp each day so I don't redeem extras, but you can for good rewards).
For community day I'm going down to the Science World quad with all the other Vancouver nerds. Should be a good time. Any of you have plans? Great chance to level up for Expo!!
Recommended purchase for Trainers going on the adventure. The current Ultra Box has some good stuff. This is not required to participate but will allow for some nice buffs.
This can be purchased for $13 in Pokecoins ($9.99 + $0.99x3) but the $20 pack is a better deal on coins and after the Ultra Box would leave you 1000 extra for other stuff.
I'm reinstalling this game for redemption at EPIC. I don't expect to become an aficionado at this, but I'm interested in casually re-breaking in to the game.
Great! The Adventure will be fun for trainers of all levels.
Awesome! No Blast Burn starter? Missed his time to shine!
@cola @drasnor and anyone else that might be getting back into the game, this video is a great wrap up on a lot of the game mechanics and different ways you can play:
@BobbyDi I always thought powering him up was way too expensive. I also stopped playing for a long time because my phone was garbage.
Alright everyone, what's the last Pokemon you caught that you were stoked when you saw it and made your day when you caught it?
This guy is my second shiny Ho-oh. He's 91% IV and he's weather boosted (caught at level 25). While he's technically outclassed by a handful of other 'mon, I'm stoked to power him up and use him for a general DPSer.
I'm excited to see yours!
I got a 93% Zapdos with 22 DPS. Everything else is super meh.
//edit for clarity: 93% IV, 100% Gym Attack, A Gym Defense.
I didn't even know there were shiny Ho-oh. I've only beat 3 Ho-oh raids and captured 2. It's also been the hardest one for me to catch. The two I did catch are from my last ball that I threw in rage and disgust, and they just happened to work.
The first because _k and I spent the first weekend catching and evolved them together, the second because shiiinyyyy

Sorry if I'm trash and I'm not finding it (looked in 4 threads to find the info on this with no luck) but what day/time is this even gonna happen?
I'm in regardless, just curious.
Saturday June 23 10am - Meet on the porch (9:55) .. are you subscribed to the Icrontic Google calendar? All events are on there.
^ this guy organizes
I am, and I checked that last night and saw the event at 7AM and there was no way that was right. Just now realizing it's the time zone change.
No need to apologize, we knew you were trash when you posted your trainer profile and the background was blue
Hope PvP drops at Expo
Yea, 10am eastern which you calendar is adjusting to pacific.
Hope is an understatement (but strong doubt). I would ded. Come. At. Me. Bro.
I made level 19 today. I find that I am low on balls much of the time; poke stops drop like one or two a piece.
Spin 2 Win
Getting a Go+ made this much easier for me. I have it connected any time I go anywhere. If you get one of the third party ones you don't even have to press the button to spin. It's great as a lot of stops are at intersections where you slow down or stop naturally and also gets steps for your eggs and buddy in Vancouver-like slow-ass rush hour traffic.
Also if you frequent the same gyms and work up to gold status (each raid gets you 1000 xp towards the 30k you need for gold) this means 3 extra items per spin, plus 1 if it's your colour.
Another thing we often do is have lunch at triple stops every so often. Spin every 5 mins to stock up. If you have a Go+ you can also avoid being tempted into catching as you spin so you actually save some of the stuff you gather for later.
Oh and definitely hit the streaks by spinning at least once per day!
RealTalk. The 3rd party device is called a Gotcha. While auto catch and spin is tempting (not available on Go+ without modding), personally I like to play the game and not let it play for me.
Leveling up Gyms and spinning them is a great way to get extra items. You level up a gym by almost any interaction with it. Spinning, battling, placing a defender in, feeding berries, and as stated, raiding.
That's racist.
Whether you are collecting items, catching for XP or Stardust, or leveling gyms (raids or battles), it is never a bad idea to grind. When you are able to passively grind, all the better!
More #RealTalk. Spin a Stop/Gym, catch a Pokemon, and do a research task every day to maximize those streaks. 7 Day Streak spin will gain you an evolution item and 7 days research will gain you, among other rewards, a legendary Pokemon! (currently through June, Articuno)
I forgot about the research until I did mine this morning and got 20 balls for the final task :-D Delete the hard ones and queue them up so you don't have to think about it every day (you only get one stamp each day so I don't redeem extras, but you can for good rewards).
For community day I'm going down to the Science World quad with all the other Vancouver nerds. Should be a good time. Any of you have plans? Great chance to level up for Expo!!
Since May 16th I've gone from lvl 26 to lvl 30.

Just evolved this bad boy yesterday!
So many palm trees in Florida, I figured Alolan Exeggutor was appropriate for my buddy.
:-O Nice!! Thats some power levelling. Trying to push myself to level 35 to catch up to _k...
Recommended purchase for Trainers going on the adventure. The current Ultra Box has some good stuff. This is not required to participate but will allow for some nice buffs.
This can be purchased for $13 in Pokecoins ($9.99 + $0.99x3) but the $20 pack is a better deal on coins and after the Ultra Box would leave you 1000 extra for other stuff.