NotEpic2020, Let's Have Some Fun With Icrontic!

BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats !TX Icrontian
edited June 2020 in Events

It sucks that Expo got canceled but we all know it was for good reason and we're doing our part to keep ourselves, our friends and families safe. So in place of Epic20, I present NotEpic2020!
All next week, June 22nd - 27th, along with our normal weekly events we've got events planned to have some get-togethers, play some more games, and keep the spirit of Expo Icrontic alive. If you have any events you would like to see happen or host, please let me know and we'll make it happen!

Please Fill Out The Participation Survey Here:

--I'll be streaming my POV of most events on Twitch. Links to any streams will be posted here.-- It's too much. I was not able to get this set up.

The #porch voice channel has been created on Discord. Not participating in an even but want to hang out and BS about hardware and rock music? Take a sit on the porch and chill. Throw up a camera view of your view if you can.

Keep an eye on the official Icrontic Calendar for easy tracking of all the events.

Planned Schedule - All Times Eastern
8:00 pm - Discord Werewolf
10:00 pm - Mount-up Monday - Red Dead Redemption 2
8:00 pm - QuaranTF2sday - TF2
10:00 pm - Minecraft Dungeons - Zero to Hero runs.
9:00 pm - Left 4 Dead 2
8:00 pm - Pokemon Go round table and PvP fun.
9:00 pm - TF2 Pushcart, Expect Frontier and some surprises!
8:00 pm - Rocket League Tournament
9:30 pm - Icrontic Grand Prix - Project Cars 2
10:30 pm - Casino Night - Four Kings Casino: Poker, Blackjack, Bingo, Craps, and BOWLING!
2:00 pm - Comedy Brunch. Technically it will still be AM on the West Coast, but let's be real, you'll likely be fresh out of bed anyways. Grab a scone and a mimosa and let's watch some stand-up comedy together.
8:00 pm - Minecraft Raid Defense
10:00 pm - Prize Drawing - More details to come
Midnight - WARPATH

Wednesday at 8:15 pm leading up to and after L4D2 will be System Testing. Launch games to make sure the installs are ready to go.
Going to put the custom maps into rotation on the TF2 server so players can make sure they will load. Link to hosted maps will be posted ASAP.
We will be assisting on getting Four Kings Casino ready to roll for those who have not played before.
We'll start a Rocket League tourney to make sure that goes smooth.
Take some time to get setup, you don't want to miss a moment of the fun at Game Time!

I'm trying to pack a lot into each night here so I'll be starting events at the given times. Some events require that you be there at the start to participate so please plan accordingly.

Love you all!




  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    (RIP Icrontic for edit 6/18/2020 9:45PM NEVAR FORGET)

  • Bobby really broke the site over an edit lmao

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian

    @UPSLynx I have created the "porch" channel. I trust everyone who's been to EPIC will know how and when to use it.

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    @Thrax said:
    @UPSLynx I have created the "porch" channel. I trust everyone who's been to EPIC will know how and when to use it.

    This rules. Before I posted this I said the same thing to Jackie and she said "Well we can set up a live camera on the balcony and you can have drinks out there and video call with people."

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    Also I'm sad we're not gonna get part 2 to the great Blips Blops scourge of 2019.

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    10:00 pm - Minecraft Dungeons - Zero to Hero runs
    10:00 pm - Prize Drawings


  • RyanFodderRyanFodder Detroit, MI Icrontian


  • CrazyJoeCrazyJoe Winter Springs, FL Icrontian
    edited June 2020

    Just as an FYI, especially for the West Coast peeps. Mount up Monday is scheduled from 10PM-Midnight EST, but Charshie, Rexxar and I ended up playing for 3+ hours past that. Not guaranteeing that we'll do that every week, but feel free to pop in and see if we're still at it even after the scheduled ending time, and there's a good chance that we might still be mounting up. The highlight of last week was when we stole a train and were trying to lasso random NPCs and drag them along as we sped across the landscape.

  • MassalinieMassalinie _k's Waifu Texas Icrontian

    Omg @BobbyDigi you are the most amazing! I am so excited.
    We are also still taking our Expo planned vacation so if anyone wants to do daytime gaming, I'll be around!
    I also see no reason why we can not blip blops from afar :sunglasses:

  • ObsidianObsidian Michigan Icrontian

    We may need some Zoom backgrounds of the porch and various rooms in ICHQ for the authentic EPIC drinking experience.

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian

    I'm gonna call this NIPIC.

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    Perhaps we do something special?
    Only it won't be on the schedule
    Not that you shouldn't turn up there
    You just have to figure out when & where

  • RyanFodderRyanFodder Detroit, MI Icrontian

    @BobbyDigi said:
    ...t turn up
    ...u ... &

    BobbyDigiYesterday at 5:09 PM
    ...cite .... e... my dudes

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    Shifted around Friday a bit to put Grand Prix in its normal spot. Werewolf will now start Monday night and will run throughout the event.

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    Please Fill Out The Participation Survey Here:


  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian
    edited June 2020

    Mount Up Monday RDR2 Online tonight was soooooo good. Much needed laughs and fun.
    @BobbyDigi and everyone else involved with organizing - thank you. Not Epic is everything I hoped it would be, and it's only day one.

  • NiGHTSNiGHTS San Diego Icrontian

    So I'm assuming part of the mechanical keyboard prize is an in-person visit from @Garg for a totally bespoke fitting for keys, switches, layout and keycap style guide, correct?

  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian

    Great work @BobbyDigi for taking on the initiative, running events, and loving this community. 💙💚💜💛❤

  • drasnordrasnor Starship Operator Hawthorne, CA Icrontian

    Winner of the "Nuke Mars" t-shirt is also getting some autonomous spaceport drone ship luggage tags.

  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian

    @NiGHTS said:
    So I'm assuming part of the mechanical keyboard prize is an in-person visit from @Garg for a totally bespoke fitting for keys, switches, layout and keycap style guide, correct?

    Post-corona this sounds like a pretty sweet business plan

  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited June 2020

    For this battlestation... (thoughtful pause)
    Yes, you need the weeb-boardino 3000. Now who is your favorite waifu? We'll need to get the silkscreening started

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian

    @GnomeQueen Red or white?

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