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Time to benchmark your browser with Peacekeeper

Time to benchmark your browser with Peacekeeper

Peacekeeper browser benchmark

Futuremark, long known for their professional PC benchmarks 3DMark and PCMark, has been branching out quite a bit in the last couple of years. Besides launching a game studio, they’ve also been creating online benchmarks, including Peacekeeper—a browser performance test that measures JavaScript functionality. From their FAQ:

JavaScript is a widely used programming language used in the creation of modern websites to provide features such as animation, navigation, forms and other common requirements. By measuring a browser’s ability to handle commonly used JavaScript functions Peacekeeper can evaluate its performance.

Futuremark has been able to collect 1.6 million results over two years, building a database of results that helps people compare browser (and by association, CPU performance) on any Internet-capable device—including desktops and notebooks,tablets and smartphones.

They recently sent out a press release with some of the latest performance numbers from their new version of Peacekeeper:

Browsers ranked by performance on a Windows PC with Intel i7-2600K processor
(higher scores are better)

  1. Chrome 14.0.835.202 – Peacekeeper score 4382
  2. Opera 11.51 – Peacekeeper score 4190
  3. Internet Explorer 9.0 – Peacekeeper score 2503
  4. Firefox 7.0.1 – Peacekeeper score 2456
  5. Safari 5.0.5 – Peacekeeper score 1744

For devices where the user cannot change the browser, for example some smartphones and tablets, Peacekeeper offers a straightforward way to compare the performance between competing devices.

Popular devices ranked by browser performance
(higher scores are better)

  1. Apple iPad 2 (iOS 5) – Peacekeeper score 372
  2. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 – Peacekeeper score 350
  3. Acer Iconia W500 – Peacekeeper score 345
  4. Samsung Galaxy S – Peacekeeper score 275
  5. Apple iPhone 4 (iOS 5) – Peacekeeper score 197

Peacekeeper scores are in operations per second or rendered frames per second depending on the test. When browser X scores twice as much as browser Y it means that for a given test either:
– X ran twice as many operations as Y in the same time period
– Or X ran the test in half the time as Y
– Or X rendered the test with twice the frame rate of Y

Peacekeeper is free, and can be run at the Futuremark website. You can also connect your Facebook account if you’d like to save scores and compare them.



  1. fatcat
    fatcat lol IE beat Firefox
  2. SpencerForHire
    SpencerForHire I saw that too.... Guess that puts a perspective on the competition.
  3. fatcat
    I saw that too.... Guess that puts a perspective on the competition.

    yea chrome or opera

    i use both. opera 90% of the time and when some asshat doesn't code their website correctly, chrome
  4. ardichoke
    ardichoke pssh... usually when they didn't code their site properly, it doesn't work in chrome properly, at least that's been my experience.
  5. Sledgehammer70
    Sledgehammer70 I am shock my laptop CPU beats out the 2600k in IE.

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