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Crossfired Kickstarter fun

Crossfired Kickstarter fun

Defense Grid 2 on KickstarterKickstarter is a very popular way for Indie (and some not-so-Indie) game developers to raise money to fund their games. Some work, many don’t, and it’s in the news constantly. We even get press releases advertising Kickstarters (which seems odd… if they can’t afford to develop a game, how can they afford to hire a PR firm to try to drum up business for them? I digress…)

Once in a while, though, a Kickstarter comes across as a straight-up good deal, and we’ll look at this one as such.

If you Kickstart the development of Defense Grid 2, Hidden Path’s sequel to their (admittedly awesome) Defense Grid, at the $106 level, you will not only get a copy of DG2 when it comes out, but you’ll get two AMD Radeon HD 6770 GPUs and a copy of Defense Grid. They’re not super high-end cards, but if they’re put into a Crossfire-supporting system, it’s actually not a bad deal at all.

It’s bizarre, AMD and Hidden Path have worked out some kind of deal to make this possible. It helps Hidden Path make their game and it helps AMD move low-tier, old GPU inventory.

At any rate, if you want two Radeon HD 6770s and Defense Grid 2, chip in $106 here.



  1. Thrax
    Thrax I need to go make sweet love to a genius in my marketing department. Now to figure out who that is...
  2. primesuspect
    primesuspect Were you even aware of this, @Thrax?
  3. Thrax
    Thrax No sir. It was probably driven by our ISV marketing team which, lately, has been undertaking cool guerrilla projects like this. They sit close to me, but I'm not always aware of what they're up to.

    We also donated a fat stack of cash to another kickstarted game the other day, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was.
  4. Garg
    Garg Damn, if I didn't already have CF 5770s, I'd go for it. CF 5770/6770 (practically identical) perform pretty well. I wouldn't suggest anyone pay full retail for them anymore, but at this price point, it's a solid option if you're running something from an older generation.

    A single card is also plenty to play a lot of games. Handles stuff like Source games, Skyrim, and Borderlands at 1080p no prob. Choked a bit on Civ5, but CF cleared that up for me.
  5. midga
    midga Only one of these left. Lots of other neat hardware stuff, though, including Razr mice.

    Probably not going to bother. Almost all the games I play that are optimized for a specific graphics card have a big NVidia logo on them, and tower defense really isn't my genre. Tell your marketing people they rock, though, Thrax. If it was a game I was interested it I'd almost consider it :D

    Also, my Kickstarter budget for a while went to this.

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