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E3 2012: Halo 4 trailer

E3 2012: Halo 4 trailer

Microsoft kick start the Press Conference by showing the first trailer for Halo 4. The beginning of the trailer is done with live actors as they are screaming for their lives as the ship is descending into the planet below. Then we get a first look of John 117 a.k.a Master Chief. Afterwards we get a piece of what the gameplay will be for the new title.

Are you excited for Halo 4? Enjoy the trailer.


  1. Tushon
    Tushon The camera switching from "fullscreen" to their in-room camera was really annoying from a non-attendee point of view. No value added.

    Anyways, game play looks pretty similar to the past titles with some different graphics for gun pickups. I'm sure the Halo fanatics will love it
  2. Cliff_Forster
    Cliff_Forster I'm actually surprised how much I enjoyed the opening cinematic.
  3. Tim
    Tim I really miss the good old days of 2005-2010, playing Halo 2 online on my original non-360 Xbox. Halo hasn't been the same since Microsoft / Bungie shut down the original Xbox Live because a bunch of whiny gamers thought 100 friends wasn't enough! I never had more then 3-4 on my list at any time ever.

    When Bungie rereleaes Halo 2, it better be with NO changes whatsoever, except maybe the screen that allows you to choose from 2-3 games / maps.
  4. Annes
    Annes Halo 2 was instrumental in my acquiring @pragtastic. I have a soft spot in my heart for the franchise.
  5. Canti
    When Bungie rereleaes Halo 2, it better be with NO changes whatsoever, except maybe the screen that allows you to choose from 2-3 games / maps.
    Then what would be the point of re-releasing it? Oh wait....Tim.

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