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GOG.com sale marks the imminent apocalypse

GOG.com sale marks the imminent apocalypse

GOG End of the World

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and the bods behind GOG.com figure you’ll want to spend your last precious hours with those you love—be that JC Denton, Sam & Max or The Nameless One.

To that end they are holding a short—but significant—sale, with 75% off over 125 titles in their retro gaming catalogue and plenty more half price. So take a minute too have a gander at the hot holiday titles of Christmas past and the fresh new indie games of Christmas present before we all go up on Friday.


  1. Bandrik
    Bandrik I haven't bought too much on GoG yet. Been meaning to, and have been holding out. There's a lot of games there that I played as a kid but could never finish (what is this "internet" you speak of?), or just didn't work on our computer back then. And here they all are.

    In other words, $120 just evaporated.
  2. Creeperbane2
    Creeperbane2 So much more creative than "Holiday sale", sing with me: Deck the halls with ugly stone calenders, trololololol lol lolololol"
  3. BobbyDigi
    BobbyDigi SimCity 2000 for a $3 and DRM free?

    You got me


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