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Introducing a Humble Musical Bundle

Introducing a Humble Musical Bundle

Humble Music Bundle

That’s right folks, everyone’s favourite source of indie gaming goodness is branching out into music.

Although far from the first pay-what-you-want music promotion, none before has assembled such an eclectic array of talent—from the father of nerdcore MC Frontalot and “Baba Yetu” composer Christopher Tin to Jonathan Coulton of Portal fame—this bundle is packed with quality works available in MP3 and lossless FLAC.

  • They Might Be Giants — Album Raises New and Troubling Questions
  • MC Frontalot — Favoritism
  • Christopher Tin — Calling All Dawns
  • Hitoshi Sakimoto — Best of the Valkyria Chronicles
  • Jonathan Coulton’s Greatest Hit (Plus 13 Other Songs)

With a solid mix of musicians, the usual DRM-free/charitable spin, and a bonus OK Go album for those paying above the average price, the latest Humble Bundle is sure to impress.


  1. trooster89
    trooster89 Its worth it for Calling All Dawns alone.
  2. ardichoke
    ardichoke Well... the OK Go album is pretty underwhelming... but the bundle is worth it if only for Coulton and TMBG. At least, that's my opinion.
  3. Cliff_Forster
    Cliff_Forster I threw a few bucks in for a They Might Be Giants record. I hope it does well, I'd like to see more of these.
  4. GnomeQueen
    GnomeQueen Hmm, most of this stuff isn't quite up my alley, but from what I'm hearing of Calling All Dawns I might just have to do it. This stuff is FANTASTIC.
  5. HubertGAM
    HubertGAM I love how they publicly track the data on each bundle. Poor Windows users and their cheap ways...

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