If geeks love it, we’re on it

Karma’s giving away a copy of Nexuiz

Karma’s giving away a copy of Nexuiz

Nexuiz Giveaway

Hey good Icrontians: community member and TF2 player extraordinaire Karma is giving away a copy of Nexuiz, the CryEngine 3-powered arena FPS. To win it, all you have to do is post a drawing (skill is not mandatory) explaining why you want Nexuiz, OR just post your favorite FPS memory, or hell—just something that makes us laugh. We’ll pick a random winner from the people who post here on Tuesday, the 24th.

RULES: You have to be a registered Icrontic member, and your email address has to be valid; the winner will be informed via Icrontic PM. If we can’t PM you, you ain’t gettin’ it!

Good luck!



  1. wax
    wax i remember when nexiuz was a free open source game! #e-hipster
  2. ardichoke
    ardichoke So do I. Those were the good old days, we used to install it in the SysAdmin lab after hours and get big LAN games going.
  3. Thrax
    Thrax If you like fast-twitch DM, this is a great choice.
  4. midga
    midga Oh right! I knew the name of the game sounded familiar. I assume improvements have been made since it's gone to a paid-for game?
  5. realneil
    realneil My favorite of all time is UT3.
    Mindless fragging sets the mind at ease I guess.
    I have plenty of other newer games that I like, but I always seem to find a little time for team red. (and if you're blue,...shame on you)
  6. midga
  7. realneil
    realneil Who got the game?

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