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Notch offers up a novel way to distribute Minecraft Xbox 360 codes

Notch offers up a novel way to distribute Minecraft Xbox 360 codes

Minecraft Xbox 360 code giveaway“I got 99 codes…”

Notch released 99 codes for the not-yet-out Minecraft for Xbox 360 today… sort of. Some assembly required.

What he did was release tiny bits and pieces of the codes on a special website; each person that visits that site gets their own chunk of the codes, identified by a unique identifier (mine was series 10f0c265). Some assembly required, indeed. It’s going to take thousands of people’s contributions to assemble all of the codes.

But hey, that’s something the Reddit hivemind is uniquely suited for. Redditors in /r/minecraft are sharing their code chunks. Soon, someone will write a piece of software to assemble the bits and pieces until all 99 are figured out.

The part that should be interesting is the fight for those 99 codes once they’re figured out. Notch says, “It’s going to take more people than there are codes available.” It’s almost designed specifically to cause a giant Donnybrook over those 99 precious codes.

Notch’s last exhortation is to “not review the game” (even though he just essentially gave the codes away). If you do, you’ll be “blacklisted, or something.”

Oh Notch.


  1. RahnalH102
    RahnalH102 Resists 'Got 99 problems' joke.

    Intriguing method indeed. I wonder how people will decide on the codes. Perhaps weird contests or challenges.
  2. midga
    midga It's a pity I'm too lazy to code. And don't care about playing the 360 version.
  3. shwaip
    shwaip @primesuspect DM'd you some potential keys. Try them ASAP
  4. this guy OR go to GAME , and download for £13.99
  5. toolatelol All codes have been redeemed
  6. shwaip
    shwaip Yup, none left. I got a few before the list wast posted on reddit, but they were already taken T.T
  7. Canti
    Canti Well that was quick.
  8. PirateNinja
  9. Ilriyas
    Ilriyas I still don't see the reason for releasing Minecraft on the Xbox, considering the system requirements and the sheer number of people that play the PC version (and the ridiculous number of mods) getting it on the console seems like a waste.
  10. primesuspect
    primesuspect It's not a waste when they make another million bucks
  11. Angus Dammit. I just got my coded app to do it for me -.-
  12. Tushon
    i need one
    I think you missed the "none left"

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