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On ROCCAT and mousepads

On ROCCAT and mousepads

ROCCAT Hiro LogoToday ROCCAT issued an intriguing press release. It’s not often you hear the words “groundbreaking” or “revolutionary” with respect to something as pedestrian as a mousepad, but ROCCAT stands behind those words.

What makes the new Hiro mousepad revolutionary is a new bonding process that permanently fuses the gaming surface and the grip surface (hereafter collectively referred to as the “top” and “bottom”). I’ll let the press release explain:

“The world’s first mousepad to use an advanced new manufacturing process that creates smooth, rounded edges that won’t ever fray, even after extended use. The patented build process creates an inseparable “power bond” between upper and lower surfaces, creating a mousepad of unrivaled durability. The Hiro also features an entirely new kind of gaming surface: an exclusive vulcanized silicone playing field, with a complex 3D structure, that delivers significantly increased gliding speed and control on both the x and y axis – offering the ultimate command capability during even the most demanding gaming.”

ROCCAT Hiro packaging

3D. Vulcanized. Command Capability. Power Bond. There you have it. We don’t have a review sample yet, but if we get one, we’ll let you know how it goes. At an MSRP of $50, it’s gotta be good, right?

What we DO have is a review sample of the ROCCAT Sense 2mm gaming surface. Before the Hiro announcement, this was their flagship gaming surface. It’s big and very, very smooth. Paired with their Savu mouse (which has two giant Teflon surfaces), it feels basically frictionless. The mouse just sighs over the surface. It’s almost too slick and you have to learn to pay slightly more attention to your mouse control when there’s such little resistance from the surface you’re on. It’s sort of the same feel that a brand new puck with a brand new air hockey table gives. Yeah, that’s about right: pretend the Sense is an air hockey table and your mouse is the puck. It feels like that. Really.

Here’s a video demonstration of the lack of friction:

That’s a pretty nice feeling.

The Sense is available now for $17 on Newegg and $18 on Amazon.

The Hiro is going to be available in January of 2013 in North America. Right now, it is available in Europe for €50. Yowza!


  1. shwaip
    shwaip not sure why having a power-bonded top and bottom is better than having just the top surface with non-stick feet on it....but if it's that expensive, it has to be worth it.
  2. midga
    midga There's still the question of size. After using my wonderful new big-ass mousepad, I don't think I could go back to small. (And actually, I use it stacked on top of an anodized aluminum mousepad for stability and extended surface since I do all my gaming in an armchair.)
  3. shwaip
    shwaip I like having a larger mousepad, but my sensitivity is up high enough I probably only use ~1/4 of the actual pad.
  4. Bandrik
    Bandrik I'm currently using both this mousepad, as well as their Kova+ mouse — both of which I won at Icrontic Expo (thanks, ROCCAT!). I really like them, and I will certainly vouch for the pad's glide ability.

    My only thought is similar to shwaip: I only use 1/4 of the pad, and while the giant pad DOES fit on my desk at work, I would have much preferred a smaller pad. I checked, and the only smaller ROCCAT pad I could find was one in the Taito series. In fact, more than once I've considered cutting the pad into 4 smaller pads.

    If ROCCAT offered the Hiro in various sizes, I would want one.

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