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Team Fortress 2 “Meet the Pyro” update officially official with 3 days of Pyromania

Team Fortress 2 “Meet the Pyro” update officially official with 3 days of Pyromania

Valve's Pyromania teaser image

This weekend, some interesting new item drops started showing up during Icrontic’s favorite game, leading some to believe that the final “Meet the Team” segment was forthcoming.

This morning, Valve revealed that we were correct, and that we will finally meet the Pyro. To keep us all interested in the interim, Pyromania was launched with three new… things to be uncovered.

This morning, the first of these revealed was a new map and game mode called “Doomsday“. The object is for the attacking team to deliver a suitcase carrying the nuclear payload to a waiting rocket while the defending team tries to stop them. This seems like it would play similar to a combination of the current Capture the Flag and Payload modes.

The updates are, of course, delivered with all of the humor and cleverness that we expect from this development team, so it is to be expected that these new updates will be great fun for all.


  1. MiracleManS
    MiracleManS Also Summer Sales. My body and my wallet are ready.
  2. AlexDeGruven
    AlexDeGruven Is it just me, or is the front page time off?

    25 Jun, 2012 at 7:53pm ET
  3. RahnalH102
    RahnalH102 Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
  4. Preacher
    Preacher Man, I can't wait to get back from Senegal!
  5. trooster89
    trooster89 Hopefully this wont lead to W+M1 spammers all over the place.
  6. oni_dels
    oni_dels @trooster89 a true pyro use m2+q+m1 ;)
  7. SpencerForHire
  8. Tushon
    Tushon And introducing @CrazyJoe's new avatar: poopyjoe
  9. primesuspect
    primesuspect Day two is up.

    New scout, soldier, sniper, and pyro weapons.
  10. Ryder
    Ryder Is the video not up yet or did I miss it?
  11. primesuspect
    primesuspect Meet the Pyro video will be here tomorrow.
  12. GnomeQueen
    GnomeQueen I'm sexually excited for this update.
  13. QCH
  14. AlexDeGruven
    I'm sexually excited for this update.
  15. QuadyTheTurnip
  16. UPSLynx
    UPSLynx That new scout shotgun looks OP as hell.
  17. CrazyJoe
  18. fatcat
    That scout is OP as hell.
  19. Canti
    Canti Default scattergun 4 lyfe. I don't care what bullcrap they EVER give the scout, default weapons are the best the best the best the best the best the best the best the best the best the best.
  20. Snarkasm
    Snarkasm I dunno, men - the new scout gun at least decreases speed by 35% before possibly doubling it (so they're really doing 130% of normal speed, not 200%, at top end), and boost resets on jump, which is a scout's bread and butter, isn't it? Sure, it's more accurate, but they do 30% less damage and are restricted to the ground to get the speed boost.

    The sniper weapon, however.... you lose 20% damage on body shots, and that's it. In exchange, you build focus on kills and assists, and when focus activates, you get faster charge times, can stay constantly scoped, and your headshots decapitate.

    That, my friends, is OP. Good snipers will fucking RAPE with this rifle.
  21. mertesn
    @pragtastic will kill us all
  22. pragtastic
    pragtastic Hah, I'm the body shot king as of late. Might have to change my play style.
  23. primesuspect
    primesuspect I agree with Snark. New scout gun meh. New Sniper rifle? Wayyyyy OP. Imagine @NickD with that rifle, that's all I'm gonna say.

  24. GnomeQueen
  25. PirateNinja
  26. primesuspect
  27. Annes
  28. Tushon
  29. Chooch
  30. Koreish
    Koreish I demand a mod of Pyro vision now.
  31. PirateNinja
    PirateNinja I would take a full on Valve made Pyro vision mod over HL3.
  32. CrazyJoe
  33. GnomeQueen
    I would take a full on Valve made Pyro vision mod over HL3.
  34. UPSHitman
  35. AlexDeGruven
    AlexDeGruven That. Was. Awesome.
  36. fatcat
    fatcat so.... disappoint

    all these years waiting, and that's what I get
  37. PirateNinja
    PirateNinja Oh wait .. oh holy crap. They used source film maker to make this, all those items and that world already exist.
  38. UPSHitman
    UPSHitman who knew the pyro was a Brony
  39. GnomeQueen
    who knew the pyro was a Brony
    Somehow, this is @UPSLynx 's fault. Don't ask me how.
  40. UPSLynx
    UPSLynx It's true, I introduced Gaben to MLP.

    I wish they would have revealed Pyro's gender :/
  41. Koreish
    Koreish image

    There is your Pyro friends.
  42. SpencerForHire
  43. GnomeQueen
    GnomeQueen Valve are master trolls. Master.
  44. Basil

    There is your Pyro friends.
    Glad I'm not the only person who's mind straight to this.
  45. Ilriyas
    Ilriyas That was beautiful, I really want pyro vision now.

    Also lol at pony, I no longer feel indifferent about Gabe being a brony only good things can come of this.
  46. cola
    cola Dear god my insides when pyrovision.

    Flawless Victory.
  47. PirateNinja
    PirateNinja day3 is up its up its up upu up u
  48. BobbyDigi
    BobbyDigi Update available, good luck everyone!

  49. primesuspect
    primesuspect Server has had update command initiated, and reboot has been issued. I am assuming the Steam servers are slammed. It will be up when it's up.
  50. primesuspect
    primesuspect This is what it looks like when this happens:
    mlds.sh: Game for Account 530245 Starting Up
    mlds.sh: Game loop initializing...
    mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
    mlds.sh: Starting Server
    Auto detecting CPU
    Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
    Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
    ./srcds_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
    Thu Jun 28 01:45:12 UTC 2012: Server restart in 10 seconds
    ./srcds_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
    Thu Jun 28 01:45:22 UTC 2012: Server restart in 10 seconds
    ./srcds_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
    Thu Jun 28 01:45:32 UTC 2012: Server restart in 10 seconds
    ./srcds_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
    Thu Jun 28 01:45:42 UTC 2012: Server restart in 10 seconds
    ./srcds_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
    Thu Jun 28 01:45:52 UTC 2012: Server restart in 10 seconds
    ./srcds_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
    Thu Jun 28 01:46:02 UTC 2012: Server restart in 10 seconds
    ./srcds_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
    Thu Jun 28 01:46:12 UTC 2012: Server restart in 10 seconds
    ./srcds_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
    Thu Jun 28 01:46:22 UTC 2012: Server restart in 10 seconds
    ./srcds_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
    Thu Jun 28 01:46:32 UTC 2012: Server restart in 10 seconds
    ./srcds_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
    Thu Jun 28 01:46:42 UTC 2012: Server restart in 10 seconds
    ./srcds_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
    Thu Jun 28 01:46:52 UTC 2012: Server restart in 10 seconds
  51. ErrorNullTurnip
    WTF 4chan.
    I thought I remembered seeing that somewhere.
  52. GnomeQueen
    GnomeQueen Sommmmmmedaaaay my game will update
    Sommmmmmedaaaaaaaaay my game will update
    And there'll be fire and guns everywhere
    Bullets flying wildly in the air......
  53. Bandrik
    Bandrik FREE TF2 HAT PROMO!!!1uno

    But really, [Adult Swim] is giving out Robot Chicken hats to celebrate Meet the Pyro. Look to this thread for the skinny.

  54. Shorty
    Shorty Was kinda hoping for something a little funnier but still entertaining (and completes the series finally!).
  55. MAGIC
    (and completes the series finally!).
    No kidding, now Valve can get back to what they do best. Hats.
  56. BobbyDigi
    BobbyDigi My stream of consciousness as I started to download the update:

    Heart pumping.... "15 minutes"
    Have metal, shooting for some low numbered new weps
    "12 minutes"
    1 minute 25 seconds
    Oh goodness.... rumors of all the crap disapearing!
    no more goldfishes?
    "Mysterious treasures have been incinerated, but are now craftable"
    28 seconds
    I'm gunna burst 8================================================D
    SPOILER ALERT Pyro Vision shots http://steamcommunity.com/id/unforgiven91/…
    #18 rocket launcher and #84 pictol 8================================================================================================================D
    Scorched crates and keys
    So all the items turned into ashe
    You can craft 4 of them together to get them back though
    It gives you a 1 time use "Pile of ashe" "Looks like somethings in there"
    No more Equalizer
    The Equalizer

    Removed player move speed modification and added it to a new item named The Escape Plan
    All owners of the Equalizer will be automatically granted The Escape Plan
    *is shaking with excitement *
    Correction, equalizers still exist, new skin, no speed boost
    Craft 4 ash together for possibility at singed crate.... singed keys are available in store, open to get other community items or new rainbow items in strange quality
    /Valve activates troll mode
    it is super effective, they acquire million$
    Tomislav is nerfed into uselessness. 40 PERCENT FASTER TO 10 PERCENT
    unrelated: Gia is walking around the house like she owns the place
    All flame throwers get 10% damage buff. Backburner gets its 10% removed making it the same
    Degreaser gets -10% damage nerf but because of 10% across the board it is the same
    Bonk goes from 6 to 8 seconds
    Sweet Joe....
    Gloves of Running Urgently

    Removed self-damage over time penalty
    Heavy takes mini-crits while active and for 3 seconds after switching away
    Attack damage penalty reduced from -50% to -25%
    That is fucked up valve
    ash is still dropping with the other items
    I bet someone figured out how to game the system. The friends server just went down = stopping trading
    "Is dominated by" is replaced by "is best friends with" in pyro vision
    damage = laughing and rockets propel with bubbles
    Explosions are confetti and gibs are random items
    There are rainbows.... not sure where from yet
    1/2 medpacks are slices of cake
    no lie
    "Got Revenge on" = "Broke Up With"
    Making a note here, Huge Success

    And then I wrote out the entire ARG. Keep an eye on the home page!

  57. UPSLynx
    UPSLynx hahaha!

    Best line: unrelated: Gia is walking around the house like she owns the place

    I didn't realize they nerfed Tomislav so hard. goooooooooood.

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