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Trees are Delicious!

Trees are Delicious!

Feeling bad about your carbon footprint? Now, Toshiba will let you pay a little extra to feel a little more green about your laptop purchase.


  1. bothered
    bothered £1.18? I can go out and collect tree seeds and plant em for free.
  2. BuddyJ
    BuddyJ I like how they clearly label it a "scheme." At least they're honest.
  3. RADA
    RADA Scheme it is, just like everything the Gore-acle belches out his big mouth....

    1B Trees Planted in 2007:

  4. BuddyJ
    BuddyJ I guess what bothers me the most about the whole carbon offset talk is that if you make people feel guilty/concerned enough, they'll pay to do something that has seemingly little impact on true conservation. I'd rather see the money go to education and creating sustainable agriculture, or research into alternative energy solutions. Something proactive instead of reactionary that will have a bigger benefit in the future than can be provided by sticking trees in a park. Just my two uninformed cents.
  5. Thrax
    Thrax Why fix the root cause when every wound can have a bandaid, mirite?
  6. bothered
    I like how they clearly label it a "scheme." At least they're honest.

  7. GHoosdum
    RADA wrote:
    Scheme it is, just like everything the Gore-acle belches out his big mouth....

    Manbearpig is real, I'm super serial.

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