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Cat Shelf

Cat Shelf

Cat always laying on your keyboard? Give her someplace else to sit!


  1. mas0n
    mas0n It's a nice idea and maybe somebody's cats would use it, but not mine. My cats would know that's what I wanted them to do and refuse.
  2. DogDragon
    mas0n wrote:
    It's a nice idea and maybe somebody's cats would use it, but not mine. My cats would know that's what I wanted them to do and refuse.

    You are right if a cat knows you want them to do something they
    won't and that's a fact.
    I have cats mas0n is right :)
  3. GHoosdum
    DogDragon wrote:
    You are right if a cat knows you want them to do something they won't and that's a fact.

    So you're saying cats are just like children and women?
  4. DogDragon
    GHoosdum wrote:
    So you're saying cats are just like children and women?
    Well yeah :)
  5. Winfrey
    Winfrey My friend has a really smelly cat that does this at our LANs. It's great when it lies on your keyboard and then your hands and keyboard smell like crap :rolleyes:. It also chews through CAT5 cables and all manner of mayhem.

    We don't need a shelf as much as a bouncer to keep the riff-raff out.
  6. Qeldroma
    GHoosdum wrote:
    So you're saying cats are just like children and women?

    Except you rent from the cat.

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