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Endless Ocean?

Endless Ocean?


  1. Thrax
    Thrax I don't either, but I've always liked that song.
  2. Harudath
    Harudath Not a bad song. And I don't get it either ¬_¬
  3. IndigoRed
    IndigoRed It's simple. They want you to go out and fu the ocean ecosystem by touching all the marine life you can get your hands on... just wants me to run out and buy a Wii... or scuba gear.
  4. Harudath
  5. Linc
    Linc What a graceful Flash site.

    I spent twenty minutes snorkeling beside a sea turtle as it glided along the coast of Hawaii's big island a year and a half ago. Such a great day.
  6. Thrax
    Thrax But it's not a standard, and I think they used the wrong doctype. WAT NAO?
  7. Linc
    Thrax wrote:
    But it's not a standard
    That's their decision; accessibility and indexing aren't important to a video game maker (while presentation is moreso than usual), so I probably would've made the same one.
    Thrax wrote:
    and I think they used the wrong doctype
    Unless I'm missing something, it looks semantically perfect. I think they could've even done XHTML Strict if they'd been feeling foolishly dangerous.
  8. Thrax
  9. Linc
    Thrax wrote:
    What, was it a challenge? :wtf:
  10. RWB
    RWB Now that really does look interesting and perhaps educational?
  11. primesuspect
    primesuspect I'll probably get it, because it seems to be so not a game that it is intriguing.

    Plus I am a sucker for music like that.

    Penny Arcade seemed to hate it and yet not be able to stop playing it. Kinda what I'm shooting for.
  12. Thelemech
    It's simple. They want you to go out and fu the ocean ecosystem by touching all the marine life you can get your hands on... just wants me to run out and buy a Wii... or scuba gear.

    Well well HELLO STRANGER :tongue:


    ......good to see you around sir.
  13. primesuspect
    primesuspect <object height="355" width="425">

    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/a69KFAdUhIk&autoplay=1&quot; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355" width="425""></object>
  14. primesuspect
  15. yagga
    yagga Ah, just open the link and let the music hypnotize you for forever time...

    I may be gone for a while..

    Somebody tell the kids jackets would be advised tomorrow, since they never wear them.
  16. RWB
    RWB nice find prime!
  17. Harudath
  18. Harudath
    Harudath Ah, I can see it now- School PCs have YouTube blocked ¬_¬

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