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sad XKCD

sad XKCD

This XKCD strip almost made me cry. Read this one first to get its full power.


  1. Linc
  2. Harudath
  3. GHoosdum
    GHoosdum I think he deserved it.
  4. GnomeQueen
    GnomeQueen He totally deserved it. Bastard.
  5. TiberiusLazarus
    TiberiusLazarus But...But...Sh..She took his HAT!!!
  6. Thrax
  7. Your-Amish-Daddy
    Your-Amish-Daddy Trace amounts of failure detected in this sector.
  8. rolleggroll
    rolleggroll I don't get it. Is this supposed to be funny? Or sad? I did read Journal part 1, but I don't understand how this is powerful. Can someone explain it to a noob like me please?
  9. Thrax
    Thrax I've read all the XKCD comics, and it's not that evocative to me either.
  10. Harudath
    Harudath wrote:

    I agree.
  11. Thelemech
    Trace amounts of failure detected in this sector.


    ...or is it because he has a hat like you do CB :p?
  12. CB
    CB For some reason, I strongly empathized with the character in the hat. Yes, he's a jerk, and this was a poetic justice for him, but if it wasn't for his jerky behavior, he would never have met this girl, and now, the one person who could ever have understood him has walked away because she understands him so well, dooming him to forever live either alone or with a partner who doesn't get who he really his.
  13. Annes
    Annes Meh...that's what you get for being a twat to others.

    <-- Heartless Bitch
  14. GHoosdum
  15. sharkydart

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